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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • When he got to Smithfield, the king could see the rebels camped on the west side of the field and the royal party on the east.
  • 当他到达史密斯菲尔德时 见到叛军 扎营于西侧 国王军队扎营于东侧
  • Wat Tyler rode over to Richard, got off his little horse,knelt very briefly, not very convincingly,
  • 瓦特·泰勒骑马走向理查 俯身下马 象征性地跪了下
  • but then shakes his hand and calls him brother.
  • 然后握着他的手 称呼他兄弟
  • "Why will you not go home?" Asked the king, plaintively,to which Tyler responded with a loud curse and a set of demands.
  • 国王悲叹道 为何不回家? 泰勒骂骂咧咧起来 并提出了一系列要求
  • The most important was for a new Magna Carta,this time for the ordinary people.
  • 最重要的是 要为平民 签署新的大宪章
  • It would abolish serfdom,it would liquidate the property of the Church,
  • 废除农奴制 清算教会财产
  • it would offer a general pardon to all outlaws,and if all this wasn't radical enough,
  • 大赦起义者 以及最彻底的主张
  • it would make every man equal below the level of the king.
  • 国王以下 人人平等
  • Now, to all this, Richard answered, "Yes."
  • 对所有要求 理查都同意了
  • perhaps crossing his fingers behind his back,and maybe Wat Tyler was so amazed by the concession,
  • 也许瓦特·泰勒在暗自庆幸 也许对于国王的让步感到吃惊
  • he didn't quite know what to do next.
  • 不知下一步该如何是好
  • So an eerie silence settles over everybody on the field,broken only by Tyler asking for a flagon of ale.
  • 谈判会场一片寂静 泰勒打破了沉寂 要了壶麦酒
  • He gets it, he downs it, he gets back onto his mount,a big man on a little horse and at that moment, history changed.
  • 喝完后放下 又骑上马背 高大的男人骑着匹小马 这一刻 历史在此改变
  • There was someone on the king's side who had not been reading the script,
  • 国王身边的某个人 不知国王已经与其达成协议
  • or perhaps was just unable to take the humiliation any longer.
  • 或是再也无法忍受这等羞辱


When he got to Smithfield, the king could see the rebels camped on the west side of the field and the royal party on the east.

当他到达史密斯菲尔德时 见到叛军 扎营于西侧 国王军队扎营于东侧

Wat Tyler rode over to Richard, got off his little horse,knelt very briefly, not very convincingly,

瓦特·泰勒骑马走向理查 俯身下马 象征性地跪了下

but then shakes his hand and calls him brother.

然后握着他的手 称呼他兄弟

"Why will you not go home?" Asked the king, plaintively,to which Tyler responded with a loud curse and a set of demands.

国王悲叹道 为何不回家? 泰勒骂骂咧咧起来 并提出了一系列要求

The most important was for a new Magna Carta,this time for the ordinary people.

最重要的是 要为平民 签署新的大宪章

It would abolish serfdom,it would liquidate the property of the Church,

废除农奴制 清算教会财产

it would offer a general pardon to all outlaws,and if all this wasn't radical enough,

大赦起义者 以及最彻底的主张

it would make every man equal below the level of the king.

国王以下 人人平等

Now, to all this, Richard answered, "Yes."

对所有要求 理查都同意了

perhaps crossing his fingers behind his back,and maybe Wat Tyler was so amazed by the concession,

也许瓦特·泰勒在暗自庆幸 也许对于国王的让步感到吃惊

he didn't quite know what to do next.


So an eerie silence settles over everybody on the field,broken only by Tyler asking for a flagon of ale.

谈判会场一片寂静 泰勒打破了沉寂 要了壶麦酒

He gets it, he downs it, he gets back onto his mount,a big man on a little horse and at that moment, history changed.

喝完后放下 又骑上马背 高大的男人骑着匹小马 这一刻 历史在此改变

There was someone on the king's side who had not been reading the script,

国王身边的某个人 不知国王已经与其达成协议

or perhaps was just unable to take the humiliation any longer.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
concession [kən'seʃən]


n. 让步,妥协,特许权,租界

suspect [səs'pekt]


n. 嫌疑犯
adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的<

pardon ['pɑ:dn]


n. 原谅,赦免
vt. 宽恕,原谅

humiliation [hju:.mili'eiʃən]


n. 耻辱,丢脸

curse [kə:s]


n. 诅咒,咒骂,祸端
vt. 咒骂,诅咒,使

property ['prɔpəti]


n. 财产,所有物,性质,地产,道具

liquidate ['likwideit]


vt. 偿付,清算,清除,将 ... 换成现款 vi.

boring ['bɔ:riŋ]


adj. 令人厌烦的

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

script [skript]


n. 手稿,脚本,手迹
vt. 为...





