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  • John Ball is a recognisable type, a preaching friar who pushes Black Death radicalism to its logical extreme.
  • 约翰·保尔 一名布道的教士 他将黑死病引发的激进主义浪潮推向高潮
  • Get rid of the priesthood and the property owners,Ball argued,
  • 消灭教会和有产者 保尔主张
  • And Christ's embrace of the poor will once again be honoured.
  • 上帝一视同仁的拥抱 必将重获
  • Are we not descended from the same parents, Adam and Eve?
  • 我们不都是同一祖先亚当夏娃的子孙吗
  • What reason can they give why they should be more masters than ourselves?
  • 他们有什么理由认定 他们应该是我们的主人
  • They are clothed in velvet and rich ermine,while we are forced to wear poor clothing.
  • 他们能够穿丝绒 披貂皮 而我们只能衣衫褴褛
  • They have wines and fine spices and fine bread,while we have only rye and the refuse of the straw,
  • 他们享用美酒佳宴 而我们只能粗茶淡饭
  • and when we drink it must be water.
  • 只能饮水止渴
  • We are called slaves,and if we do not perform our services, we're beaten.
  • 我们被称作奴隶 不干活 就要挨打
  • Let us go to the king and remonstrate with him.We may obtain a favourable answer.
  • 我们去找国王理论理论 也许能得到一个好结果
  • And if not,we must seek to amend our conditions ourselves.
  • 如果不能 我们必须自己改变现状
  • And so they marched,the levelling fever of the Black Death buzzing in their brains,
  • 于是 他们游行 黑死病引发的对均分的狂热 在他们头脑中萦绕
  • slogans of equality and retribution in their mouths.
  • 高举平等标语 高喊赔偿口号
  • After all, who were Wat Tyler, John Ball and Robert Cave of the Dartford Baker
  • 瓦特·泰勒 约翰·保尔 达特福德的面包师罗伯特·凯夫
  • but the three dead confronting the spoiled,rich and mighty with their day of judgement.
  • 就像故事中的三个死人一样 对那些骄纵的 有钱有势的人进行审判


John Ball is a recognisable type, a preaching friar who pushes Black Death radicalism to its logical extreme.

约翰·保尔 一名布道的教士 他将黑死病引发的激进主义浪潮推向高潮

Get rid of the priesthood and the property owners,Ball argued,

消灭教会和有产者 保尔主张

And Christ's embrace of the poor will once again be honoured.

上帝一视同仁的拥抱 必将重获

Are we not descended from the same parents, Adam and Eve?


What reason can they give why they should be more masters than ourselves?

他们有什么理由认定 他们应该是我们的主人

They are clothed in velvet and rich ermine,while we are forced to wear poor clothing.

他们能够穿丝绒 披貂皮 而我们只能衣衫褴褛

They have wines and fine spices and fine bread,while we have only rye and the refuse of the straw,

他们享用美酒佳宴 而我们只能粗茶淡饭

and when we drink it must be water.


We are called slaves,and if we do not perform our services, we're beaten.

我们被称作奴隶 不干活 就要挨打

Let us go to the king and remonstrate with him.We may obtain a favourable answer.

我们去找国王理论理论 也许能得到一个好结果

And if not,we must seek to amend our conditions ourselves.

如果不能 我们必须自己改变现状

And so they marched,the levelling fever of the Black Death buzzing in their brains,

于是 他们游行 黑死病引发的对均分的狂热 在他们头脑中萦绕

slogans of equality and retribution in their mouths.

高举平等标语 高喊赔偿口号

After all, who were Wat Tyler, John Ball and Robert Cave of the Dartford Baker

瓦特·泰勒 约翰·保尔 达特福德的面包师罗伯特·凯夫

but the three dead confronting the spoiled,rich and mighty with their day of judgement.

就像故事中的三个死人一样 对那些骄纵的 有钱有势的人进行审判

重点单词   查看全部解释    
descend [di'send]


v. 降,传,降临

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

confront [kən'frʌnt]


vt. 面临,对抗,遭遇

peaceful ['pi:sfəl]


adj. 安宁的,和平的

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

extreme [ik'stri:m]


adj. 极度的,极端的
n. 极端,极限

obtain [əb'tein]


vt. 获得,得到
vi. 通用,流行,存在

fever ['fi:və]


n. 发烧,发热,狂热
v. (使)发烧,(使

underestimated [,ʌndə'estimeit]


vt. 低估;看轻 n. 低估

mighty ['maiti]


adj. 强有力的,强大的,巨大的





