n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度
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- I never actually ran into him when I was shooting.Because he was right next door.I know.
- 我从来没在拍的时候遇见过他 他就在隔壁 我知道
- I was gonna surprise you.He's not here.He's out of town.
- 我本打算给你个惊喜 但他不在这里 他出去了
- But I was really gonna surprise you.Oh, that's so sweet.I know.But I would show people.
- 我本来真的打算给你惊喜的 哦 你真好 我知道 所以我要展示给大家
- Remember I asked if I can download the video that you did on my phone?What?
- 记得我问你我可不可以下载你用我手机拍的视频吗? 什么?
- I may not have asked you,but I did download your video onto my phone.
- 我也许没有问过你 但我确实下载了手机上的视频
- you mean,Oh,Ellen.That was some thing.Oh,my Lord,no,no,no.
- 你是说 Ellen 哪个是 哦 天哪 不
- It's harmless.It's harmless.It's not harmless.It's mortifying.
- 没事的 没事的 不会没事的 这太丢人了
- Tell people what you did then we will show them.
- 告诉人们你做了什么 然后我们给他们看视频
- Ok, I can't believe you are doing this to me.
- 好吧 我不敢相信你这样对我
- Uh,I was leaving,actually just done your show.
- 呃...我正要离开 事实上刚结束了你的节目
- ah,see this is want I get into when I get on your show,just trouble
- 看这就是上你节目的后果 都是麻烦
- And then I was leaving your show and I was at the stop light,about to turn left onto Balrog
- 我刚离开你的节目 我在等红灯 正要向左转到Balrog路上
- and then all of a sudden,Clint Eastwood pulls up right in his car
- 然后突然 Clint Eastwood开着车出现了
- and I have never seen Clint Eastwood and,and,and...you know,in front of me.
- 我从没见过Clint Eastwood 你知道吗 就在我面前
- and I kind of got overly excited,and,and I took a cell phone video.
- 我有点过分激动了 然后 我用手机拍了段视频
- So, so,actually I don't have to hear it here.I can just play it there,right?Because ok,this is real.Oh,god.
- 所以 事实上我不需要在这里听这个故事 因为我可以现在就放这个视频 但 好吧 这是真的 哦 天哪
- This is Jen.And you can hear her talking,GO ahead.
- 这是Jen,你可以听到她说话 继续
- Ok I am sitting next to Clinton Eastwood right now.
- 哦 我就坐在Clinton Eastwood的旁边
- That's Clinton Eastwood at the light at the Warner Brother's studio.I am recording this moment.
- Clinton Eastwood在华纳兄弟摄影棚的红灯 我正在录这一时刻
- I am mortified with myself.I will never forgive myself.
- 我觉得太丢人了 我不会原谅我自己
- He has no idea what is happening.This is what's happening.Where did he go?
- 他完全不知道发生了什么 此时此刻 他要去哪?
- He's going that way so maybe he lives somewhere like Pasadena.
- 在往那边走所以也许他住在帕萨迪纳


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