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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Hi,honey,Hey,again.hey,babes
  • 你好 亲爱的 你好 你好
  • So it's your first time ever co-hosting a talk show ever,right?
  • 这是你第一次共同主次脱口秀 是吗?
  • ever.Isn't it exciting?Yes!I'm so excited.
  • 第一次 是不是很激动? 是 我很激动
  • Yeah,tha't great.Woo!Really,I mean i...
  • 这很好 真的 我是说
  • just what you do everyday makes me smile,the world smiles.
  • 你每天做的事 让我微笑 让全世界的人微笑
  • So i can only imagine trying to just have a little taste of that.
  • 我只能想象仅仅去尝试一下
  • You will feel what it feels like.I know.
  • 你想知道这是什么感觉 是啊
  • You feel so good to look out and see bunch of people smiling back at you.See all the happy faces.
  • 看到这么多人对着你微笑感觉很好 看到这么多高兴的脸
  • Because, it was funny because Jen was on the show and we are friends.
  • 有趣的是Jen上过我节目 我们是朋友
  • And she said on the show.I wanna co-host sometime
  • 她在节目上说 我想和你共同主持
  • because Matthew Perry co-hosted with me and a few other people have.
  • 因为Matthew Perry和其他一些人和你共同主持过
  • And she said I wanna do it and I thought you were just being polite
  • 她说“我也想” 我以为你只是礼貌性的回答
  • And then when we saw each other at dinner.You said when am I gonna come?
  • 然后当我们在晚餐见面 你说“我什么时候来?”
  • I was serious.Yeah,I thought well I am your friend.
  • 我是认真的 是 我想你是我朋友
  • I don't wanna take advantage.You set on the show.
  • 我不想占你便宜 是你自己要求上的
  • I know, well,I mean you did a little bit,but that's ok.
  • 我知道 你也想让我上 但没关系
  • No,no,you brought it up.No,I did it all.You brought it up.I did it all.
  • 不 不 是你提起的 嗯 全是我的主意 你提起的 全是我的主意
  • All right,So ah,so we talk about stuff and we talk about usually off the air.
  • 好吧 让我们谈谈一般我们在节目后会谈的东西
  • And people don't know.We will give people an insight of how.
  • 人们不知道我们谈了什么 我们要让人们看看
  • like how big a fan of Clint Eastwood.Let's talk about that.
  • 你是怎样一个Clint Eastwood大粉丝 我们说说这个
  • Oh,I'm a huge fan,a huge fan of Clint Eastwood,actually.Yeah,a huge fan.
  • 我是个大粉丝 Clint Eastwood的大粉丝 真的 是 大粉丝
  • Yeah,I mean,he's Clint Eastwood.Who is not a huge fan of Clint...yeah,for crying out loud.
  • 是 他是Clint Eastwood 谁不是他的大粉丝...是啊 天哪
  • Well,because you used to shoot your show was called Friends right?
  • 因为你曾经拍过“老友记” 对吧?
  • Yes,friends.It was shoot on this lot.
  • 是 老友记 是在这里拍的



你好 亲爱的 你好 你好

So it's your first time ever co-hosting a talk show ever,right?

这是你第一次共同主次脱口秀 是吗?

ever.Isn't it exciting?Yes!I'm so excited.

第一次 是不是很激动? 是 我很激动

Yeah,tha't great.Woo!Really,I mean i...

这很好 真的 我是说

just what you do everyday makes me smile,the world smiles.

你每天做的事 让我微笑 让全世界的人微笑

So i can only imagine trying to just have a little taste of that.


You will feel what it feels like.I know.

你想知道这是什么感觉 是啊

You feel so good to look out and see bunch of people smiling back at you.See all the happy faces.

看到这么多人对着你微笑感觉很好 看到这么多高兴的脸

Because,it was funny because Jen was on the show and we are friends.

有趣的是Jen上过我节目 我们是朋友

And she said on the show.I wanna co-host sometime

她在节目上说 我想和你共同主持

because Matthew Perry co-hosted with me and a few other people have.

因为Matthew Perry和其他一些人和你共同主持过

And she said I wanna do it and I thought you were just being polite

她说“我也想” 我以为你只是礼貌性的回答

And then when we saw each other at dinner.You said when am I gonna come?

然后当我们在晚餐见面 你说“我什么时候来?”

I was serious.Yeah,I thought well I am your friend.

我是认真的 是 我想你是我朋友

I don't wanna take advantage.You set on the show.

我不想占你便宜 是你自己要求上的

I know,well,I mean you did a little bit,but that's ok.

我知道 你也想让我上 但没关系

No,no,you brought it up.No,I did it all.You brought it up.I did it all.

不 不 是你提起的 嗯 全是我的主意 你提起的 全是我的主意

All right,So ah,so we talk about stuff and we talk about usually off the air.

好吧 让我们谈谈一般我们在节目后会谈的东西

And people don't know.We will give people an insight of how.

人们不知道我们谈了什么 我们要让人们看看

like how big a fan of Clint Eastwood.Let's talk about that.

你是怎样一个Clint Eastwood大粉丝 我们说说这个

Oh,I'm a huge fan,a huge fan of Clint Eastwood,actually.Yeah,a huge fan.

我是个大粉丝 Clint Eastwood的大粉丝 真的 是 大粉丝

Yeah,I mean,he's Clint Eastwood.Who is not a huge fan of Clint...yeah,for crying out loud.

是 他是Clint Eastwood 谁不是他的大粉丝...是啊 天哪

Well,because you used to shoot your show was called Friends right?

因为你曾经拍过“老友记” 对吧?

Yes,friends.It was shoot on this lot.

是 老友记 是在这里拍的

重点单词   查看全部解释    
insight ['insait]


n. 洞察力

expand [iks'pænd]


v. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀,

woo [wu:]


v. 向 ... 求爱,追求,恳求

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

scheme [ski:m]


n. 方案,计划,阴谋
v. 计画,设计,体系

advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]


n. 优势,有利条件
vt. 有利于

tend [tend]


v. 趋向,易于,照料,护理

peaceful ['pi:sfəl]


adj. 安宁的,和平的

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景





