Candy claims to cover beer breath
A Swiss breath lozenge called AntiPoleez claims that once you pop one in your mouth, no one will know that you've been drinking. So does that apply to police? Officers say not a chance!
瑞士一种名叫AntiPoleez的口气清新含片宣称向嘴里喷入一滴之后,就没有人知道你喝酒了 。那么,对警察来说是否适用?警官们表示,没门儿!
It might mask the alcohol, but for a short term only!
Officer Rene Barraza has been with APD for roughly nine years and says he's seen people try it all to cover up their breath at DWI checkpoints. “Coins, umm, ammunition, gum, Tic Tac, Candy, food.”
Rene Barraza警官在监控系统工作了近九年的时间,他说,他看到过许多人在酒精测试时使用各种各样的方法来掩盖口气 。“硬币,弹药,口香糖,薄荷糖,糖果,食品 。”
But none of that helps when it comes to a Breathalyzer or field sobriety test. And the licorice-flavored AntiPoleez lozenge is no different. One look at the candy's website and the product's name may give someone the sense that it's a way to get out of a DWI.
但是在呼吸测醉器或现场酒精测试中,任何一种方法都无效AntiPoleez含片也没有什么不同 。有人查看了这种糖果的网站,这种产品的名字或许会给人一种错觉,认为可以在DWI测试中脱身 。 。欧亚甘草口味的
But company officials say trying to fool officers is not their intention. In a written statement they say:" We give our law enforcement officials more credit than to think a lozenge could prevent a police officer from getting drunk drivers off the road before they hurt themselves or someone else. This is underestimating their professional observational skills."
但是该公司官员表示,他们的产品目的并不是哄骗交警 。他们在一份书面声明中表示:“我们更信任执法官员,而不认为这种含片能够让酒后驾驶的司机在伤害自己或他人之前停止上路 。这样就低估了交警监控的专业技能 。”
Officer Barraza has a few words for would-be buyers who think popping one of the candies will get them off the hook.
Barraza警官有一些话对那些想要购买这种口气清新含片企图让自己脱身的人 。
I'd tell them they're wasting their money. I'd tell them to give me the money instead and I'll give them better advice.
我会告诉他们,这完全是浪费钱 。我要告诉他们,可以把钱给我,我会给他们提供更好的建议 。