Princess Charlotte Baptised At Intimate Service
夏洛特小公主受洗 全家首次齐亮相
For any parents with two children under two, this could have been a difficult moment, especially when you know that the world is watching. This is the first time that we've seen the Duke and Duchess out in public with their two children. Prince George at times a little distracted, but with encouragement from dad, he kept on walking. Eventually, we then got a glimpse at Princess Charlotte bundled in her pram, dressed in the first of what will, no doubt, be many elaborate gowns to come.
对于任何有两个两岁以下孩子的父母来说,都将是非常难熬的时刻,尤其是全世界都在关注的时候 。这是我们首次看到剑桥公爵夫妇带着两个孩子在公共场合出现 。乔治小王子偶尔有点心不在焉,但是在父亲的鼓励下,他坚持自己走过去 。最终,我们看到了夏洛特小公主身穿精致的小礼服在婴儿车里的画面 。毫无疑问,小公主以后会有更多精致的礼服亮相 。
Heading into the same church on the Sandringham estate, where the royal family go for Christmas, the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Camille and the Middletons all here to share the moments. Some in the crowds started arriving as early as Saturday night to get the best spots.
前往皇室家族过圣诞节的桑德林汉姆同一所教堂,女王,菲利普王子,查尔斯王子,卡米尔和米尔顿一家都特意前来分享这个时刻 。为了获得最佳视角,甚至有一些民众周六晚上就来抢占位置 。
-Such is the interest in the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. It's not suprising to see that hundreds of people have turned out for the christening here in Norfolk. The fact that the area in front of the church has been open to the public is a way of William and Kate saying thank you to the public for all of their support since their daughter was born.
But also a reflection on how important Norfolk has become as a family home.
人们对剑桥公爵夫妇非常感兴趣 。数百人来到诺福克观看夏洛特小公主受洗毫不意外 。教堂前的区域向公众开放,威廉和凯特以此向公众致谢,感谢他们自小公主诞生以来的所有支持 。但是这也反映了诺福克成为他们的新家后的重要性 。
-They've got enough grands where they can walk, and walk as a family and do things without the invasion of the public.
他们将有足够的空间欢度家庭生活,没有公众干扰地快乐生活 。
The private 45-minute service reflected on family tradition. Prince William's mother Princess Diana was christened here. And Princess Charlotte was baptised by the Archbishop of Canterbury just in will-be, using the lily font, a feature of royal christening since 1841. But the choice of godparents has surprised some, no royals or siblings. William and Kate instead opting for friends, Sophie Carter, James Meed, Thomas van Pency, along with Kate's cousin, Ed Middleton, William's first cousin, Laura Fellows, who was Princess Diana's niece.
持续45分钟的仪式是这个皇室家族的传统Sophie Carter, James Meed, Thomas van Pency,还有凯特的表妹Ed Middleton,威廉的第一代堂妹Laura Fellows,她是戴安娜王妃的侄女 。 。威廉王子的母亲戴安娜王妃也是在这里受洗的 。夏洛特小公主由坎特伯雷大教主洗礼,所用的圣杯是自1841年以来皇室沿用的 。但是教父母的人选却出乎一些人的意料,并不是皇室成员或兄弟姐妹 。威廉和凯特选择的是他们的朋友
With the service over, a protective Prince George checked out upon his little sister. He needn't have worried with no sign of any tears from Princess Charlotte. As they walked back to Sandringham House for a cup of tea and some christening cake after a big day for the latest member of the family.
洗礼结束后,具有保护欲的乔治小王子上前查看妹妹的情况 。他其实不需要担心,小公主没有任何流泪的迹象 。随后他们步行回桑德林汉姆别墅喝茶,享用洗礼糕 。对这个家庭来说,这是非常重要的一天 。