1【Mubarak jailed for life】穆巴拉克被判终身监禁
TEXT:Crowds were gathering outside the court earlier Saturday ahead of an expected verdict against ousted Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. The 84 year old former leader has been on trial for complicity over the killing of hundreds of protesters last year in an uprising that unseated him from power. He was flown in by helicopter on Saturday morning to the special court where he, his son and other officials are facing trial. Mubarak was also facing charges of graft. Last year's demonstrations drew global attention as the world watched thousands take to the streets day and night until Mubarak was forced out. He was eventually brought back to stand trial- and his appearance on a stretcher, in a cage, stunned the nation. But a drawn out and often chaotic trial-- plus a lack of strong evidence linking Mubark to the protesters deaths'-- left manyfeeling pessimistic about a fair and just verdict. Julie Noce, Reuters
参考译文:周六的早些时候,人群拥挤在法院门口,期待着对废黜的埃及前总统胡斯尼·穆巴拉克的宣判 。在去年推翻其政权的暴乱中,这位84岁的前国家领导人因合谋杀害数百名反抗者而被告上法庭 。周六上午,他被直升机空运到专门法庭,在这里他的儿子和其他官员正面临审判 。穆巴拉克还面临贪污的指控 。去年,数千名反抗者整日在街上游行示威,直至穆巴拉克下台,这引起了全球的关注 。最终,他被带回来进行审判 。在担架,以及铁笼中亮相的穆巴拉克,着实震惊了全国 。但因对穆巴拉克杀害抗议者缺乏足够证据,使得审判一拖再拖,并且时常发生混乱 。对此,许多人对审判的公平和公正性并不乐观 。
2【France, Russia at odds over Syria】叙利亚问题法俄各执己见
TEXT:Tension over Syria --- as the leaders of France and Russia met in Paris. French president Francois Hollande said he hoped to convince Moscow, a staunch ally of Syria, to back a Security Council resolution which includes sanctions on Damascus. French President Francois Hollande saying (French): "The regime of Bashar al-Assad has behaved in an unacceptable and intolerable manner and has committed acts which disqualify it. No solution to this situation is possible without the departure of Bashar al-Assad." Russian president Vladimir Putin said a regime change in Syria would not necessarily bring peace. He also said it was premature to call a ceasefire brokered by U.N. envoy Kofi Annan a failure. SOUNDBITE: Russian Presidnt Vladimir Putin saying (Russian): "Mr. Annan is a very experienced and respectable person, and we must do everything for his mission to succeed. I think it is counterproductive to announce his mission as a failure in advance. I think that would be a mistake." Outrage over last week's mass killings in Houala prompted France to join several other countries in expelling Syrian diplomats. Russia has so far backed Syrian government's assertion that anti-government forces were behind the attack. Deborah Gembara, Reuters
参考译文:面对紧张的叙利亚局势——法国和俄罗斯领导人在巴黎举行会晤·奥朗德称,他希望说服叙利亚的坚定盟国—俄罗斯,支持安理会涉及对叙利亚制裁的决议 。奥朗德称:“阿萨德政权的所做所为令人发指,他没有资格在担任下去了 。在这种情况下,除了让他下台,没有其它任何可行的办法了 。”俄罗斯总统普京表示,叙利亚政权的更换未必会带来和平 。他还称,现在就断定联合国大使安南的停火协议以失败告终,是为时过早的 。普京称:“安南先生是位非常资深,且受人尊重的人,为了解决叙利亚问题,我们必须完全按照他的使命来做 。我认为提前宣布协议的失败会适得其反,那将成为一个失误 。”上周Houala镇的大屠杀引起西方国家强烈的愤怒,这促使法国及其他几个国家驱逐叙利亚外交官 。迄今为止,俄罗斯仍支持叙利亚政府的陈词,即反政府武装是(屠杀事件的)幕后凶手 。 。法国总统弗朗索瓦
3【Fairytale wedding for Chinese couples】中国夫妻的浪漫婚礼
TEXT:It's a dream come true for 15 Chinese couples. They traveled all the way to southern Germany to get married. And the fabled Neuschwanstein Castle setting did not disappoint. Groom, Liu Lei, saying: "The scenery in Germany is beautiful. The culture is also very interesting. The atmosphere is fantastic. My parents have been to Germany twice already. That's what gave us the idea to have our wedding here." Bride Tao Yun, saying: "I have always loved Germany. Germans are very romantic. To celebrate my wedding here is a childhood dream come true." The couples are spending just three days in Germany - so no honeymoons - at least not just yet. Tara Cleary, Reuters.
参考译文:对15对中国夫妻来说,这是梦想成真的时刻 。经过长途的跋涉,他们来到了德国南部举办婚礼 。著名的新天鹅堡景区并没有让他们失望 。新郎刘磊说:“德国的风景很漂亮,文化也很有意思 。空气非常清晰 。我父母来过德国两次 。这就是为什么我们想到来这里举办婚礼 。”新娘陶芸说道:“我一直很喜欢德国 。德国人很浪漫 。能在这里举办婚礼完成了我小时的梦想 。”这些小夫妻在德国只待上三天,因此没法在这度蜜月了,即使要的话也不是现在 。
4【Queen kicks off celebrations at the races】女王在赛马比赛上揭开庆典
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