1【Interpol issues warrant for suspect】国际刑警组织通缉嫌疑人
TEXT:The man suspected of dismembering a male murder victim in Canada is now wanted by Interpol. The international police organization have issued a warrant for the arrest of Luka Rocco Magnotta-- who police believe has left the country. Police say Magnotta, who also goes by the names Eric Clinton Newman and Vladimir Romanov, is suspected of mailing a man's body parts to political parties in Canada. So far, police say, they have no indication of a motive. Julie Noce, Reuters
参考译文:在加拿大,这名男子因涉嫌肢解一位男性受害者而被国际刑警组织通缉Magnotta的通缉令,警方表示嫌疑人已经离开了加拿大,并称Magnotta还同时还以Newman 和Romanov两个名字犯案,涉嫌将肢解后的一男子邮寄到加拿大政治党派手中 。截止目前为止,警方称未能发现嫌疑人杀人的动机 。(经证实,受害者为中国籍加拿大留学生林俊,去年才到加拿大留学) 。国际警察组织已经发布了抓捕
2【The battle for control in Yemen】也门控制权争夺之战
TEXT:Yemen Television shows images of soldiers battling al Qaeda militants in the south of the country. The video, shot Tuesday comes as militants overran several towns in the south of the country during a popular uprising last year.The uprising severely weakened central government authority and eventually toppled former President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The Yemeni army has since regained control of some parts of Abyan, and other militant strongholds. The United States and its Gulf Arab allies have watched with mounting alarm as security deteriorates in Yemen, home to al Qaeda's Arabian Peninsula wing (AQAP), which is viewed by Washington as a serious threat. The United States has stepped up drone attacks against militants it suspects may be plotting against it. It has also renewed military training to help Yemeni security forces against al Qaeda. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
参考译文:也门电视台播放了这段在南部士兵正与基地组织武装分子激战的画面AQAP)的藏身之处,在华盛顿看来,此组织是一个严重的威胁 。美国已经加强了对可能密谋造反的激进分子的无人攻击 。与此同时,美国再次帮助也门安全部队加强军事训练,以此来对抗基地组织 。 。自去年全国大范围暴乱以来,激进分子占领了南部地区的几个城镇,随后出现了这段射杀场面的视频 。此次暴动严重削弱了中央政府的权力,并最终推翻了前总统萨利赫的统治 。也门军队已经重新掌控了阿比杨省的一些地区以及其他军事要地 。也门安全局势恶化,美国和海湾阿拉伯盟友对此关注已久,并逐渐提高警告,因为也门是阿拉伯半岛基地组织(
3【Youngest ever in Spelling Bee】美国拼字比赛最年轻的选手
4【Syrian government blames rebels for massacre】叙利亚政府指责叛军大屠杀
TEXT:More finger pointing over a mass killing that happened in Syria one week ago. Syrian government officials say a preliminary investigation shows it was anti-government rebels who killed 108 people in the region of Houla last week. The head of a government investigation said the victims were people who opposed the uprising.HEAD OF SYRIAN GOVERNMENT INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE, BRIGADIER GENERAL QASSEM JAMAL SULEIMAN, SAYING: "They have never protested or carried weapons against the government. They disagreed with the armed terrorist groups. The aim [of these armed groups] is to bring foreign military intervention against the country in any form and way." The Syrian government's investigation is being rejected by Western powers. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice.U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS SUSAN RICE, SAYING: "I think quite simply it's another blatant lie. There is no factual evidence, including that provided by the UN observers that would substantiate that rendition of events." As the 14 month crisis seems to be heading towards civil war, Western officials have strongly criticised countries who continue to support the Syrian regime,namely China and Russia, which has reportedly just shipped arms to Damascus. Beijing and Moscow have both vetoed two Security Council resolutions calling for tougher action against Damascus. Julie Noce, Reuters
参考译文:更多的谴责正指向了一周前发生在叙利亚的大规模屠杀事件Houla地区残杀了108人 。一个政府调查的负责人表示,受害者都是那些反对暴动的人们 。叙利亚政府调查委员会负责人,准将贾马尔·苏莱曼称:“他们(被残杀的人们)从来没有抵抗或携带武器来对抗政府 。他们与武装恐怖主义组织政见不同 。这些武装组织的目的是不择手段的引进外国势力来干涉本国内政 。”叙利亚政府的这项调查遭到西方大国的反对 。美国驻联合国大使苏珊·赖斯称:“我认为这很简单,这只不过是另一个无耻的谎言 。没有任何事实,包括联合国观察员所提供的,能够为事件的发生提供确切的事实 。”14个月的暴乱似乎正把叙利亚引向本国内战,西方官员强烈指责一些国家继续支持叙利亚政权,即中国和俄罗斯,据说刚刚将武器运送到了大马士革 。在呼吁对叙利亚采取更强硬制裁的决议上,北京和莫斯科都投了否决票 。 。叙利亚政府官员称,根据初步调查,是反政府叛军在上周
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