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  • To Spain now, where today, the country's central government pardoned nine politicians and activists who had been jailed after seeking independence for the region of Catalonia.
  • 现在来关注西班牙,今天,该国中央政府赦免了因加泰罗尼亚地区寻求独立而被监禁的9名政治家和活动家。
  • They were leaders of the 2017 referendum on Catalan independence, which Spain said was illegal.
  • 这些人是2017年加泰罗尼亚独立公投行动的领袖,西班牙称该公投为违法行为。
  • All were convicted of sedition and sentenced to prison for up to 13 years.
  • 这9人均被判犯有煽动叛乱罪,并被判处最高13年监禁。
  • Reporter Alan Ruiz Terol is covering the story for the English-language Catalan News and joins us now from Barcelona. Welcome.
  • 记者艾伦·鲁伊斯·特罗尔正在为英语新闻网站加泰罗尼亚新闻报道这则消息,现在他将从巴塞罗那和我们连线。欢迎你。
  • Hi, Ailsa.
  • 你好,艾尔莎。
  • Hi. So these pardons, I mean, they were announced by the prime minister's office in Madrid. Do we know why the government is taking this step right now?
  • 你好。这些赦免由马德里首相府宣布。我们知道政府为何现在采取这一步骤吗?
  • Yeah. Today's pardons are widely considered to be one of the most consequential decisions that Pedro Sanchez will ever face as prime minister.
  • 好。今天的赦免被普遍认为是佩德罗·桑切斯作为首相将面临的最重要决定之一。
  • And there's something he's said a few times, which I think really captures the message he's trying to send.
  • 有些事他曾提及数此,我想这确实抓住了他想要传达的信息。
  • It is that pardons will allow nine people to leave prison, but they will benefit millions more,
  • 此次赦免不仅将允许这9人离开监狱,还将使数百万人受益,
  • especially the pro-independence supporters who believe their leaders shouldn't be in prison for basically delivering on their political promises.
  • 特别是那些支持独立的支持者,这些人认为他们的领袖不应因兑现了自已的政治承诺而坐牢。
  • Sanchez has talked a lot about reconciliation, coexistence, basically recovering a relationship that has been damaged after years of political disagreements.
  • 桑切斯曾提及很多有关和解与共存的问题,基本上恢复了多年政治分歧后受损的关系。
  • And who exactly are the people who got pardons today?
  • 今天得到赦免的人都有谁?
  • So these nine people were basically some of the most important leaders of the independence movement back in 2017 when Catalonia held the unauthorized referendum.
  • 基本上,这9个人是2017年加泰罗尼亚举行未经授权的独立公投运动时最重要的领袖。
  • Most of them were politicians, former members of the regional government, the former speaker of the Catalan parliament.
  • 他们大多是政治家、前地区政府议员、加泰罗尼亚前议会议长。
  • And there's also two activists who were jailed for leading protests against Spain's attempts to stop the vote.
  • 此外,还有两名活动人士因领导抗议西班牙阻止投票的尝试而入狱。
  • And some of these people continued to be extremely influential in Catalonia, for instance, the former vice president, Oriol Junqueras.
  • 其中一些人在加泰罗尼亚地区仍拥有极大的影响力,比如,加泰地区前副主席奥里奥尔·容克拉斯。
  • And he recently expressed support for the pardons and even suggested that Catalonia should not attempt to hold a new unilateral referendum like it did in 2017.
  • 他最近表示支持赦免,甚至建议加泰罗尼亚不要像2017年那样试图举行新的单边公投。
  • And this was seen by some as a key concession to the Spanish government.
  • 这被一些人视为对西班牙政府作出的关键让步。
  • Well, Catalonia, I mean, it has had a very long history of seeking independence from Spain. Can you just talk with us about what has driven this movement?
  • 很长时间以来,加泰罗尼亚一直在寻求从西班牙独立。你能介绍一下推动这场运动的因素吗?
  • Yeah, sure. Catalonia has its own language, its own history and a distinct pride.
  • 好,当然。加泰罗尼亚地区有自己的语言、历史和独特的自豪感。
  • There's even many people in Catalonia who don't feel Spanish at all.
  • 加泰罗尼亚甚至有很多人完全不觉得自已是西班牙人。
  • And while there's always been people supporting Catalan independence, the movement really became mainstream a decade ago, more or less,
  • 虽然一直有人支持加泰罗尼亚独立,但这一运动在差不多十年前才成为主流,
  • when the financial crisis and austerity were hitting Spain extremely hard, and people were fed up with politicians.
  • 当时金融危机和紧缩政策对西班牙的打击极其严重,令人们对政治家感到厌烦。
  • There was a tipping point.
  • 有一个转折点。
  • There was a ruling by Spain's top court against Catalonia's so-called new statute of autonomy, a kind of regional constitution, that had been backed by many Catalans.
  • 西班牙最高法院曾对加泰罗尼亚地区所谓的新自治法作出裁决,这是一种地区宪法,得到了许多加泰罗尼亚人的支持。
  • And for instance, constitutional court justices rejected the notion that Catalonia is a nation, and many Catalans didn't like this.
  • 宪法法院的法官驳回了加泰罗尼亚是一个国家这种观点,许多加泰罗尼亚人不喜欢这一裁决。
  • So people started to attend massive pro-independence demonstrations.
  • 因此人们开始参加支持独立的大规模示威游行。
  • And the region's politicians didn't want to miss out, so they promised to deliver independence.
  • 该地区的政治家不想错过机会,所以他们承诺要实现独立。
  • Right. Well, where does this latest announcement of pardons leave the independence movement now in Catalonia?
  • 张好。那最新宣布的赦免会令加泰罗尼亚地区目前的独立运动何去何从?
  • Yeah. Some of these independence leaders will continue to play a key role, for sure.
  • 好。当然,其中一些独立领袖将继续发挥关键作用。
  • But they can't be as involved as they would like because the pardons are partial.
  • 但是他们不能像他们所希望的那样参与其中,因为这只是部分赦免。
  • This means that they can leave prison, but they are banned from holding public office.
  • 这意味着他们可以离开监狱,但被禁止担任公职。
  • And they have been warned as well that should they be charged with new crimes, they'll be sent back to prison.
  • 他们还受到了警告,如果被控新罪行,他们就将被送回监狱。
  • But there are other politicians leading the movement now.
  • 但是现在还有其他的政治家在领导这场运动。
  • And separatist parties actually continue to grow stronger, having recently surpassed 50% of the votes in an election for the first time.
  • 事实上,分离主义政党仍在继续壮大,最近他们在一场选举中首次获得了超过50%的得票率。
  • Wow.
  • 哇哦。
  • And their two main goals right now are a general amnesty and a self-determination referendum. OK.
  • 他们现在有两个主要目标,分别是大赦和自决公投。好。
  • And while the Spanish government is willing to talk, it seems unlikely that they will make more concessions than these pardons
  • 虽然西班牙政府愿意谈判,但他们似乎不太可能做出比这些赦免更多的让步,
  • because many people in Spain see them as too much already....Yes.
  • 因为西班牙有许多人认为赦免就已经是很大的让步了。好。
  • OK...Especially the right-wing parties.
  • 好。尤其是右翼政党。
  • That is reporter Alan Ruiz Terol in Barcelona. Thank you.
  • 以上是记者艾伦·鲁伊斯·特罗尔从巴塞罗那带来的报道。谢谢你。



To Spain now, where today, the country's central government pardoned nine politicians and activists who had been jailed after seeking independence for the region of Catalonia. They were leaders of the 2017 referendum on Catalan independence, which Spain said was illegal. All were convicted of sedition and sentenced to prison for up to 13 years. Reporter Alan Ruiz Terol is covering the story for the English-language Catalan News and joins us now from Barcelona.
CHANG: Hi. So these pardons, I mean, they were announced by the prime minister's office in Madrid. Do we know why the government is taking this step right now?
RUIZ TEROL: Yeah. Today's pardons are widely considered to be one of the most consequential decisions that Pedro Sanchez will ever face as prime minister. And there's something he's said a few times, which I think really captures the message he's trying to send. It is that pardons will allow nine people to leave prison, but they will benefit millions more, especially the pro-independence supporters who believe their leaders shouldn't be in prison for basically delivering on their political promises. Sanchez has talked a lot about reconciliation, coexistence, basically recovering a relationship that has been damaged after years of political disagreements.
CHANG: And who exactly are the people who got pardons today?
RUIZ TEROL: So these nine people were basically some of the most important leaders of the independence movement back in 2017 when Catalonia held the unauthorized referendum. Most of them were politicians, former members of the regional government, the former speaker of the Catalan parliament. And there's also two activists who were jailed for leading protests against Spain's attempts to stop the vote. And some of these people continued to be extremely influential in Catalonia, for instance, the former vice president, Oriol Junqueras. And he recently expressed support for the pardons and even suggested that Catalonia should not attempt to hold a new unilateral referendum like it did in 2017. And this was seen by some as a key concession to the Spanish government.




CHANG: Well, Catalonia, I mean, it has had a very long history of seeking independence from Spain. Can you just talk with us about what has driven this movement?
RUIZ TEROL: Yeah, sure. Catalonia has its own language, its own history and a distinct pride. There's even many people in Catalonia who don't feel Spanish at all. And while there's always been people supporting Catalan independence, the movement really became mainstream a decade ago, more or less, when the financial crisis and austerity were hitting Spain extremely hard, and people were fed up with politicians. There was a tipping point. There was a ruling by Spain's top court against Catalonia's so-called new statute of autonomy, a kind of regional constitution, that had been backed by many Catalans. And for instance, constitutional court justices rejected the notion that Catalonia is a nation, and many Catalans didn't like this. So people started to attend massive pro-independence demonstrations. And the region's politicians didn't want to miss out, so they promised to deliver independence.
CHANG: Right. Well, where does this latest announcement of pardons leave the independence movement now in Catalonia?
RUIZ TEROL: Yeah. Some of these independence leaders will continue to play a key role, for sure. But they can't be as involved as they would like because the pardons are partial. This means that they can leave prison, but they are banned from holding public office. And they have been warned as well that should they be charged with new crimes, they'll be sent back to prison. But there are other politicians leading the movement now. And separatist parties actually continue to grow stronger, having recently surpassed 50% of the votes in an election for the first time.
RUIZ TEROL: And their two main goals right now are a general amnesty and a self-determination referendum.
RUIZ TEROL: And while the Spanish government is willing to talk, it seems unlikely that they will make more concessions than these pardons because many people in Spain...
RUIZ TEROL: ...See them as too much already....
RUIZ TEROL: ...Especially the right-wing parties.
CHANG: That is reporter Alan Ruiz Terol in Barcelona.
Thank you.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
autonomy [ɔ:'tɔnəmi]


n. 自治,自治权,自主

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

statute ['stætju:t]


n. 法令,法规

election [i'lekʃən]


n. 选举

announcement [ə'naunsmənt]


n. 通知,发表,宣布

announced [ə'naunst]



austerity [ɔ:s'teriti]


n. 朴素,节俭,苦行

unlikely [ʌn'laikli]


adj. 不太可能的

influential [.influ'enʃəl]


adj. 有权势的,有影响的
n. 有影响力的

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常





