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  • World leaders are sending congratulations to Iran's newly elected president, Ebrahim Raisi.
  • 世界各国领导人纷纷向伊朗新当选总统易卜拉欣·莱希表示祝贺。
  • As expected, Raisi won a four-candidate race in convincing fashion with the backing of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
  • 正如所料,莱希在伊朗最高领导人哈梅内伊的支持下,以令人信服的方式赢得了四名候选人的角逐。
  • Raisi now has four years to try to turn Iran's depressed economy around.
  • 现在莱希有四年的时间尝试扭转伊朗低迷的经济。
  • NPR's Peter Kenyon is in Tehran and joins us now. Hi, Peter.
  • NPR新闻的彼得·肯扬将和德黑兰和我们连线。你好,彼得。
  • Hi, Sarah.
  • 你好,莎拉。
  • So how did Raisi manage such a convincing victory?
  • 莱希是如何取得如此令人信服的胜利的?
  • Well, he's been known for some time as a prominent hardline cleric and judge. He's known to be close to the supreme leader.
  • 一段时间以来,他作为强硬派牧师和法官而为人所熟知。他和最高领袖关系密切。
  • None of the other candidates were as familiar to the public, I think it's fair to say.
  • 我认为可以说,其他候选人都没有他为公众所熟悉。
  • But perhaps the biggest factor in Raisi's success was the candidate selection process.
  • 但也许莱希成功的最大因素是候选人的选拔过程。
  • That's handled by a largely clerical group known as the Guardian Council. They're charged with vetting potential candidates.
  • 该过程由名为宪法监护委员会的组织负责,该组织主要由神职人员组成。他们负责审查潜在的候选人。
  • And critics say the council made sure to disqualify the most serious potential rivals to Raisi,
  • 批评人士表示,该委员会尽力确保莱希最重要的潜在竞争对手被取消资格,
  • including people like Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani or Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri.
  • 这些对手包括议会议长阿里·拉里贾尼或副总统埃沙格·贾汉吉里。
  • So Raisi had an advantage going into this very brief campaign.
  • 因此,莱西在这场非常短暂的竞选中占有优势。
  • There was a lot of talk about low turnout and even a call to boycott the vote. How did that turn out?
  • 很多人说这场选举的投票率很低,甚至有人呼吁抵制投票。结果如何?
  • Well, there are strong signs that the boycott message was heard.
  • 有明显的迹象表明抵制的消息被传递了出去。
  • I can tell you from going around to precincts in Tehran many were seeing far fewer voters than in previous elections.
  • 我可以告诉你,在德黑兰选区,许多人看到的选民比以前的选举要少得多。
  • It made casting a ballot much easier for those who did turn out.
  • 这使参加投票变得变得容易。
  • But for a country that prides itself on big election turnouts, it wasn't really a strong showing.
  • 但对于一个以大选投票率高而自豪的国家来说,这并不是真正的强势表现。
  • Independent groups put it at well below 50%, although the official estimate of turnout is higher.
  • 尽管官方估计的投票率要高一些,但独立团体认为投票率远低于50%。
  • And what can you tell us about Raisi? Who is he?
  • 你能介绍一下莱希吗?他是谁?
  • Well, he's a judge. He's the head of Iran's judiciary, also a hardline cleric.
  • 他是名法官。他是伊朗司法部门的负责人,也是强硬派神职人员。
  • The main criticism you hear about him regarding his time as a judge was in the late 1980s.
  • 外界对他最多的指责出现在他上世纪80年代末担任法官期间。
  • There were mass executions ordered by the court that he was on. Thousands of political prisoners were killed.
  • 当时,他所在的法庭曾下令进行大规模处决。数千名政治犯被处决。
  • Beyond that, he's definitely seen as a protege of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader.
  • 除此之外,他还被视为最高领袖阿亚图拉·阿里·哈梅内伊的追随者。
  • It's also well-known that Raisi has ambitions to succeed Khamenei as Iran's next supreme leader.
  • 众所周知,莱希有野心接替哈梅内伊成为伊朗下一任最高领袖。
  • And moving forward, what are his political priorities?
  • 接下来,他的政治重点是什么?
  • Well, at the moment, he doesn't have much room to maneuver there. The top priority has to be Iran's depressed economy.
  • 目前,他没有多少回旋余地。当务之急肯定是伊朗低迷的经济。
  • Years of U.S. sanctions have devastated household incomes.
  • 美国多年来的制裁已经严重影响了伊朗的家庭收入。
  • Every Iranian I spoke with this week said the No. 1 task of the next president has to be raising the living standards of ordinary Iranians.
  • 本周接受我采访的每名伊朗人都表示,下一任总统的首要任务必须是提高普通伊朗人的生活水平。
  • Now, how exactly he might accomplish that is another question not exactly clear.
  • 现在,另一个尚不清楚的问题是,他究竟如何才能做到这一点。
  • There are talks in Vienna aimed at restoring the 2015 nuclear deal, bringing the U.S. back into the agreement and Iran back into compliance.
  • 在维也纳举行的会谈旨在恢复2015年签署的核协议,使美国重新加入协议,伊朗重新遵守协议。
  • That could lead to the lifting of sanctions and might give the new government a chance to work on improving the economy.
  • 这可能会使制裁取消,并可能给新政府一个改善经济的机会。
  • Peter, in the Iranian system, how much power does Raisi actually have to carry out his policies?
  • 彼得,在伊朗的体制里,莱希有多少权力来执行他的政策?
  • Well, good point. The Iranian president is not the decider when it comes to policymaking. That's the supreme leader.
  • 这个问题问得好。在政策制定方面,伊朗总统不是决定者。最高领袖才是。
  • One Iranian put it this way.
  • 这是一名伊朗人所说。
  • He said the president's comparable to a general director who has a nice title but basically serves to carry out the wishes of the CEO.
  • 他表示,总统就相当于总经理,头衔好听,但其实只是为实现首席执行官的愿望而服务。
  • That would be the supreme leader in this case.
  • 就伊朗而言,最高领袖就相当于首席执行官。
  • On the other hand, Raisi's political views are said to be closely aligned with the supreme leader's own views.
  • 另一方面,据说莱西的政治观点与最高领袖本人的观点紧密一致。
  • So they may wind up working with little friction, but there will be no doubt who's the boss.
  • 因此,他们的最终合作可能几乎没有摩擦,但领导是谁是不容置疑的事情。
  • One question world powers will be asking is how a Raisi government might engage with the outside world.
  • 世界强国会问的一个问题是,一个激进的政府如何与外部世界接触。
  • For instance, Raisi is said to be in favor of getting the 2015 nuclear deal restored to full operation with the U.S. back in it.
  • 例如,据说莱希赞成在美国重新参与的情况下,让2015年签署的核协议恢复全面运作。
  • But to be safe, proponents of the deal say negotiators in Vienna trying to accomplish that would do very well to finish their job before August.
  • 但为了安全起见,该协议的支持者表示,参加维也纳会议的谈判代表最好在8月前实现这一目标。
  • That's when the post-election transition in Iran ends, Rouhani exits and Raisi takes office.
  • 届时伊朗大选后的过渡时期结束,鲁哈尼卸任,莱希上任。
  • That's NPR's Peter Kenyon speaking to us from Tehran. Thanks, Peter.
  • 以上是NPR新闻的彼得·肯扬从德黑兰带来的报道。谢谢你,彼得。
  • Thanks, Sarah.
  • 谢谢你,莎拉。



World leaders are sending congratulations to Iran's newly elected president, Ebrahim Raisi. As expected, Raisi won a four-candidate race in convincing fashion with the backing of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Raisi now has four years to try to turn Iran's depressed economy around. NPR's Peter Kenyon is in Tehran and joins us now. Hi, Peter.
MCCAMMON: So how did Raisi manage such a convincing victory?
KENYON: Well, he's been known for some time as a prominent hardline cleric and judge. He's known to be close to the supreme leader. None of the other candidates were as familiar to the public, I think it's fair to say. But perhaps the biggest factor in Raisi's success was the candidate selection process. That's handled by a largely clerical group known as the Guardian Council. They're charged with vetting potential candidates. And critics say the council made sure to disqualify the most serious potential rivals to Raisi, including people like Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani or Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri. So Raisi had an advantage going into this very brief campaign.
MCCAMMON: There was a lot of talk about low turnout and even a call to boycott the vote. How did that turn out?
KENYON: Well, there are strong signs that the boycott message was heard. I can tell you from going around to precincts in Tehran many were seeing far fewer voters than in previous elections. It made casting a ballot much easier for those who did turn out. But for a country that prides itself on big election turnouts, it wasn't really a strong showing. Independent groups put it at well below 50%, although the official estimate of turnout is higher.
MCCAMMON: And what can you tell us about Raisi? Who is he?
KENYON: Well, he's a judge. He's the head of Iran's judiciary, also a hardline cleric. The main criticism you hear about him regarding his time as a judge was in the late 1980s. There were mass executions ordered by the court that he was on. Thousands of political prisoners were killed. Beyond that, he's definitely seen as a protege of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader. It's also well-known that Raisi has ambitions to succeed Khamenei as Iran's next supreme leader.




MCCAMMON: And moving forward, what are his political priorities?
KENYON: Well, at the moment, he doesn't have much room to maneuver there. The top priority has to be Iran's depressed economy. Years of U.S. sanctions have devastated household incomes. Every Iranian I spoke with this week said the No. 1 task of the next president has to be raising the living standards of ordinary Iranians. Now, how exactly he might accomplish that is another question not exactly clear. There are talks in Vienna aimed at restoring the 2015 nuclear deal, bringing the U.S. back into the agreement and Iran back into compliance. That could lead to the lifting of sanctions and might give the new government a chance to work on improving the economy.
MCCAMMON: Peter, in the Iranian system, how much power does Raisi actually have to carry out his policies?
KENYON: Well, good point. The Iranian president is not the decider when it comes to policymaking. That's the supreme leader. One Iranian put it this way. He said the president's comparable to a general director who has a nice title but basically serves to carry out the wishes of the CEO. That would be the supreme leader in this case. On the other hand, Raisi's political views are said to be closely aligned with the supreme leader's own views. So they may wind up working with little friction, but there will be no doubt who's the boss.
One question world powers will be asking is how a Raisi government might engage with the outside world. For instance, Raisi is said to be in favor of getting the 2015 nuclear deal restored to full operation with the U.S. back in it. But to be safe, proponents of the deal say negotiators in Vienna trying to accomplish that would do very well to finish their job before August. That's when the post-election transition in Iran ends, Rouhani exits and Raisi takes office.
MCCAMMON: That's NPR's Peter Kenyon speaking to us from Tehran. Thanks, Peter.
KENYON: Thanks, Sarah.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
compliance [kəm'plaiəns]


n. 顺从,遵从,灵活

accomplish [ə'kɔmpliʃ]


vt. 完成

independent [indi'pendənt]


adj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的
n. 独立

supreme [sju:'pri:m]


adj. 最高的,至上的,极度的

campaign [kæm'pein]


n. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动
v. 从事运

election [i'lekʃən]


n. 选举

priority [prai'ɔriti]


n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先

transition [træn'ziʃən]


n. 过渡,转变

guardian ['gɑ:diən]


n. 保护人,监护人

boycott ['bɔikɔt]


vt. 抵制(贸易),拒绝参加





