A visit to a makeshift testing facility in Ward 7, across the river from the washington Redskins' crumbling and abandoned former stadium, provides a snapshot of this calamity. Bertina, a 64 -year- old teacher wearing sweatpants and a Redskins' bandanna ("Don't photograph me, I look like a bum") said her aunt had died of the virus in Atlanta after three hospitals had refused to admit her. Seventeen-year-old M'Kya said she had heard her brother, incarcerated in New York, had the virus. Overweight and sweating heavily, she was visibly unwell; she hoped it might be her allergies.

The facility, where both women had come to have their nostrils swabbed for the virus, is another symptom of a general failure. It was launched three weeks ago as a philanthropic endeavour by Howard University-America's first black medical school-to address a shortage of testing in the part of Washington that needs it most. "You can tell things are bad when a dermatologist is running covid-19 tests!" said Ginette Okoye, a Howard professor wrapped in a mask, goggles and layers of protective clothing.
Though there are many causes of black ill-health, the solution probably starts with improving blacks' access to health care.
There have been three significant efforts to do so since slavery, which all to varying degrees spluttered in the face of a backlash from whites.
The first, during Reconstruction, was a decade-long effort on behalf of freed slaves, which constituted the first government intervention in health care. The second, in 1964--65, was a bundle of laws and edicts, including the passage of the civil-rights and Medicaid acts and court rulings to desegregate hospitals. It gave African- Americans access to the regular health-care system for the first time. Yet the legacy of Jim crow remained, as Wards 7 and 8 illustrate, in a patchy extension of services to black areas-and sometimes worse. Doctors in Macon County, Alabama, continued their 40-year "study of untreated syphilis in the Negro male" until 1972. (They didn't tell the 400 sharecroppers under observation that they had syphilis. They told them they had "bad blood".)