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编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Agathon Rwasa, the leader of the CNL, called the election a "fiasco" and plans to challenge the result in the constitutional court.
  • 新政党全国自由大会领导人阿加顿·卢瓦萨,称这次选举是一次“惨败”,并计划在宪法法院对选举结果提出质疑。
  • Yet Burundi's judiciary is not seen as independent.
  • 然而,布隆迪的司法机构并不被视为是独立的。
  • In 2015 the constitutional court ruled in favour of Mr Nkurunziza's third term, days after the court's vice-president fled into exile saying judges had received death threats.
  • 2015年,宪法法院判决支持恩库伦齐扎连任三届,此前几天,该法院副院长流亡海外,并声称法官收到了死亡威胁。
  • More than 400 of Mr Rwasa's supporters are in prison.
  • 卢瓦萨的400多名支持者被关进了监狱。
  • Many were rounded up on polling day.
  • 许多支持者在投票日被围捕。
  • In the months leading up to the election an exiled Burundian watchdog, Ligue Iteka, counted 67 killings, more than 200 arbitrary arrests and some 20 cases of torture.
  • 在选举前的几个月里,布隆迪的流亡监察机构,布隆迪人权联盟统计了67起谋杀案,200多起随意逮捕和约20起酷刑案件。
  • In Busiga in northern Burundi members of the ruling party's fearsome youth wing painted red crosses on the doors of opposition supporters.
  • 在布隆迪北部的布西加,可怕的青年执政党在反对派支持者的门上画上了红色十字架。
  • This sort of nastiness has been common in Burundi in recent years.
  • 近年来,在布隆迪,这种肮脏的行为屡见不鲜。
  • Having at last agreed to retire, Mr Nkuntnziza will become an adviser to his successor with the new title of "supreme guide to patriotism".
  • 恩库伦齐扎最终同意退休,他将获得“爱国主义的最高指南”的新头衔,并成为继任者的顾问。
  • The next president will be legally obliged to consult him on matters of national unity and security.
  • 下一任总统在法律上有义务就国家统一和安全问题与他协商。
  • So far, Mr Nkurunziza has appeared unfazed by covid-19.
  • 到目前为止,恩库伦齐扎似乎对新冠肺炎毫不担心。
  • His party held huge rallies in the run-up to the election while his spokesman suggested that Burundi would be spared for putting "God first".
  • 他的政党在选举前夕举行了大规模的集会,他的发言人则建议布隆迪不要把“上帝第一”放在首位。
  • There are only 42 registered cases in the country, though hospital staff whisper that beds are full of undiagnosed sufferers.
  • 布隆迪全国只有42个确诊病例,不过医院工作人员秘密表示,病床上的都是未确诊的患者。
  • Handily, the pandemic did mean that no foreign election observers could get into the country.
  • 简单地说,这次疫情的确意味着不会游外国选举观察员进入布隆迪。
  • A delegation from the East African Community was warned just 12 days before the election that its members would be quarantined for two weeks.
  • 东非共同体的一个代表团曾在选举前12天收到警告,代表团成员将被隔离两个星期。
  • The country is relatively calm, for now.
  • 目前,这个国家相对平静。
  • Many fear that if they start protesting against the result, Mr Nkurunzfaa will enforce a belated lockdown-to stop the spread of covid-19, of course.
  • 许多人担心,一旦他们对选举结果提出抗议,恩库伦齐扎将会执行一项迟到的封锁措施——以阻止新冠肺炎的扩散。


Agathon Rwasa, the leader of the CNL, called the election a "fiasco" and plans to challenge the result in the constitutional court. Yet Burundi's judiciary is not seen as independent. In 2015 the constitutional court ruled in favour of Mr Nkurunziza's third term, days after the court's vice-president fled into exile saying judges had received death threats.

More than 400 of Mr Rwasa's supporters are in prison. Many were rounded up on polling day. In the months leading up to the election an exiled Burundian watchdog, Ligue Iteka, counted 67 killings, more than 200 arbitrary arrests and some 20 cases of torture. In Busiga in northern Burundi members of the ruling party's fearsome youth wing painted red crosses on the doors of opposition supporters.


This sort of nastiness has been common in Burundi in recent years. Having at last agreed to retire, Mr Nkuntnziza will become an adviser to his successor with the new title of "supreme guide to patriotism". The next president will be legally obliged to consult him on matters of national unity and security.

So far, Mr Nkurunziza has appeared unfazed by covid-19. His party held huge rallies in the run-up to the election while his spokesman suggested that Burundi would be spared for putting "God first". There are only 42 registered cases in the country, though hospital staff whisper that beds are full of undiagnosed sufferers. Handily, the pandemic did mean that no foreign election observers could get into the country. A delegation from the East African Community was warned just 12 days before the election that its members would be quarantined for two weeks.
The country is relatively calm, for now. Many fear that if they start protesting against the result, Mr Nkurunzfaa will enforce a belated lockdown-to stop the spread of covid-19, of course.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
independent [indi'pendənt]


adj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的
n. 独立

fearsome ['fiəsəm]


adj. 可怕的;害怕的;极大的

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

fiasco [fi'æskəu]


n. 惨败 n. 酒瓶子

patriotism ['pætriətizəm]


n. 爱国主义,爱国心

handily ['hændili]


adv. 巧妙地,敏捷地,便利地

election [i'lekʃən]


n. 选举

exile ['eksail]


n. 放逐,流放,被放逐者
vt. 放逐,流放

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落





