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权利的游戏 第950期:第五十三章 凯特琳(23)

编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • They crossed at evenfall as a horned moon floated upon the river.
  • 当晚,一弯新月漂浮水面,他们展开了渡河行动。
  • The double column wound its way through the gate of the eastern twin like a great steel snake,
  • 两列纵队有如一条巨大的钢蛇,蜿蜒进入东河城,
  • slithering across the courtyard, into the keep and over the bridge, to issue forth once more from the second castle on the west bank.
  • 迂回绕过广场,通过内城,走上拱桥,经过又一次相同的地形后,从西岸的城堡离开。
  • Catelyn rode at the head of the serpent, with her son and her uncle Sir Brynden and Sir Stevron Frey.
  • 凯特琳骑在钢蛇前端,同行的有她儿子,叔叔布林登爵士,以及史提夫伦·佛雷爵士。
  • Behind followed nine tenths of their horse; knights, lancers, freeriders, and mounted bowmen.
  • 身后是他们九成的骑兵,包括骑士、枪骑兵、自由骑手和弓骑兵。
  • It took hours for them all to cross.
  • 他们花了好几个钟头方才完成穿越。
  • Afterward, Catelyn would remember the clatter of countless hooves on the drawbridge,
  • 事后,凯特琳始终忘不掉无数的马蹄踏过吊桥发出的声音,
  • the sight of Lord Walder Frey in his litter watching them pass,
  • 以及卫河塔上瓦德·佛雷侯爵炯炯的目光。
  • the glitter of eyes peering down through the slats of the murder holes in the ceiling as they rode through the Water Tower.
  • 他坐在担架上,从杀人洞的细长铁条间向下俯瞰,目送他们离去。
  • The larger part of the northern host,
  • 北军的主力,
  • pikes and archers and great masses of men-at-arms on foot, remained upon the east bank under the command of Roose Bolton.
  • 包括徒步的长矛兵、弓箭手和大量民兵留在东岸,由卢斯·波顿指挥。
  • Robb had commanded him to continue the march south, to confront the huge Lannister army coming north under Lord Tywin.
  • 罗柏命令他继续南下,与由泰温大人指挥,正朝北进逼的兰尼斯特大军进行决战。
  • For good or ill, her son had thrown the dice.
  • 是好是坏,儿子已经孤注一掷。


They crossed at evenfall as a horned moon floated upon the river. The double column wound its way through the gate of the eastern twin like a great steel snake, slithering across the courtyard, into the keep and over the bridge, to issue forth once more from the second castle on the west bank.

Catelyn rode at the head of the serpent, with her son and her uncle Sir Brynden and Sir Stevron Frey. Behind followed nine tenths of their horse; knights, lancers, freeriders, and mounted bowmen. It took hours for them all to cross. Afterward, Catelyn would remember the clatter of countless hooves on the drawbridge, the sight of Lord Walder Frey in his litter watching them pass, the glitter of eyes peering down through the slats of the murder holes in the ceiling as they rode through the Water Tower.
The larger part of the northern host, pikes and archers and great masses of men-at-arms on foot, remained upon the east bank under the command of Roose Bolton. Robb had commanded him to continue the march south, to confront the huge Lannister army coming north under Lord Tywin.
For good or ill, her son had thrown the dice.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
column ['kɔləm]


n. 柱,圆柱,柱形物,专栏,栏,列

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

courtyard ['kɔ:tjɑ:d]


n. 庭院,院子

command [kə'mɑ:nd]


n. 命令,指挥,控制
v. 命令,指挥,支配

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt

confront [kən'frʌnt]


vt. 面临,对抗,遭遇

drawbridge ['drɔ:.bridʒ]


n. 吊桥





