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权利的游戏 第949期:第五十三章 凯特琳(22)

编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "Perhaps... Sir Helman Tallhart, do you think?" "A fine choice."
  • “或许……让赫曼·陶哈爵士来负责,你意下如何?”“很好。”
  • "What... what did he want of us?"
  • “他……他要我们怎么样?”
  • "If you can spare a few of your swords, I need some men to escort two of Lord Frey's grandsons north to Winterfell," she told him.
  • “你要拨出几个手下,护送佛雷大人的两个孙子北上临冬城。”她告诉他,
  • "I have agreed to take them as wards.
  • “我已经同意收他们为养子,
  • They are young boys, aged eight years and seven.
  • 他们年纪还小,一个七岁,一个八岁,
  • It would seem they are both named Walder.
  • 两个都叫瓦德。
  • Your brother Bran will welcome the companionship of lads near his own age, I should think."
  • 我想你弟弟布兰应该会很高兴有同龄人作伴。”
  • "Is that all? Two fosterlings? That's a small enough price to..."
  • “就这样而已?两个养子?这样的代价未免也太——”
  • "Lord Frey's son Olyvar will be coming with us," she went on.
  • “佛雷大人的儿子奥利法跟我们一起走,”她继续说,
  • "He is to serve as your personal squire.
  • “他将担任你的私人侍从,
  • His father would like to see him knighted, in good time."
  • 过段时间以后,他的父亲希望能看到他被策封为骑士。”
  • "A squire." He shrugged. "Fine, that's fine, if he's..."
  • “带个侍从?”他耸耸肩,“很好,没问题,如果他——”
  • "Also, if your sister Arya is returned to us safely,
  • “还有,假如你妹妹艾莉亚平安归来,
  • it is agreed that she will marry Lord Walder's youngest son, Elmar, when the two of them come of age."
  • 我们同意让她嫁给瓦德大人的幼子艾尔玛,当然,等两人成年以后。”
  • Robb looked nonplussed.
  • 罗柏有些不知所措。
  • "Arya won't like that one bit."
  • “艾莉亚不会喜欢的。”
  • "And you are to wed one of his daughters, once the fighting is done," she finished.
  • “等战事结束,你也将迎娶他一个女儿,”她把话说完,
  • "His lordship has graciously consented to allow you to choose whichever girl you prefer.
  • “侯爵大人慷慨地同意你自行挑选,
  • He has a number he thinks might be suitable."
  • 他有好些个适合的人选。”
  • To his credit, Robb did not flinch. "I see."
  • 这次,罗柏倒是眉头都没皱一下。“原来如此。”
  • "Do you consent?"
  • “你同意吗?”
  • "Can I refuse?"
  • “我可以拒绝吗?”
  • "Not if you wish to cross."
  • “那你就不能渡河。”
  • "I consent," Robb said solemnly.
  • “我同意。”罗柏郑重地说。
  • He had never seemed more manly to her than he did in that moment.
  • 在她眼中,他从未像此时这么有成年人的样子。
  • Boys might play with swords, but it took a lord to make a marriage pact, knowing what it meant.
  • 小男孩或许也能舞刀弄剑,但只有真正的成年领主才能明白政治婚约的意涵,并坦然接受。


"Perhaps... Sir Helman Tallhart, do you think?"

"A fine choice."
"What... what did he want of us?"
"If you can spare a few of your swords, I need some men to escort two of Lord Frey's grandsons north to Winterfell," she told him. "I have agreed to take them as wards. They are young boys, aged eight years and seven. It would seem they are both named Walder. Your brother Bran will welcome the companionship of lads near his own age, I should think."
"Is that all? Two fosterlings? That's a small enough price to..."
"Lord Frey's son Olyvar will be coming with us," she went on. "He is to serve as your personal squire. His father would like to see him knighted, in good time."
"A squire." He shrugged. "Fine, that's fine, if he's..."
"Also, if your sister Arya is returned to us safely, it is agreed that she will marry Lord Walder's youngest son, Elmar, when the two of them come of age."
Robb looked nonplussed. "Arya won't like that one bit."
"And you are to wed one of his daughters, once the fighting is done," she finished. "His lordship has graciously consented to allow you to choose whichever girl you prefer. He has a number he thinks might be suitable."
To his credit, Robb did not flinch. "I see."
"Do you consent?"
"Can I refuse?"
"Not if you wish to cross."
"I consent," Robb said solemnly. He had never seemed more manly to her than he did in that moment. Boys might play with swords, but it took a lord to make a marriage pact, knowing what it meant.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
refuse [ri'fju:z]


v. 拒绝
n. 垃圾,废物

pact [pækt]


n. 契约,协定,条约

flinch [flintʃ]


v. 畏缩,退缩,畏首畏尾 n. 退缩,逃避

consent [kən'sent]


n. 同意,许可
v. 同意,承诺

spare [spɛə]


adj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的

credit ['kredit]


n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

suitable ['sju:təbl]


adj. 合适的,适宜的
adv. 合适





