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权利的游戏 第953期:第五十四章 琼恩(3)

编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The cold winds are rising. Summer is at an end, and a winter is coming such as this world has never seen."
  • 冷风吹起,夏日将尽,前所未见的寒冬即将来临。”
  • Winter is coming. The Stark words had never sounded so grim or ominous to Jon as they did now.
  • 凛冬将至。对琼恩而言,史塔克家的箴言从未如此阴森,如此充满不祥之气。
  • "My lord," he asked hesitantly, "it's said there was a bird last night... "
  • “大人,”他迟疑地说,“听说昨晚又来了一只鸟儿……”
  • There was. What of it?
  • “是有这么回事。怎样?”
  • I had hoped for some word of my father.
  • “我想知道有没有我父亲的消息。”
  • Father, taunted the old raven, bobbing its head as it walked across Mormont's shoulders. "Father."
  • “父亲!”老乌鸦在莫尔蒙肩上走来走去,头上下摆动,嘲弄地叫道,“父亲!”
  • The Lord Commander reached up to pinch its beak shut,
  • 司令伸手想捏住它的长嘴,
  • but the raven hopped up on his head, fluttered its wings, and flew across the chamber to light above a window.
  • 但乌鸦跳上他的头,拍拍翅膀,飞过房间,停在窗户上。
  • "Grief and noise," Mormont grumbled. "That's all they're good for, ravens.
  • “就只会吵闹捣蛋,”莫尔蒙咕哝着说,“乌鸦通通这副德行,
  • Why I put up with that pestilential bird... if there was news of Lord Eddard, don't you think I would have sent for you?
  • 真不知我养这只讨人厌的鸟做什么……如果有艾德大人的消息,你觉得我会不叫你来么?
  • Bastard or no, you're still his blood.
  • 无论你是不是私生子,你毕竟是他的亲生骨肉。
  • The message concerned Sir Barristan Selmy.
  • 信上说的是巴利斯坦·赛尔弥爵士的事。
  • It seems he's been removed from the Kingsguard.
  • 他似乎被从御林铁卫里给革职了。
  • They gave his place to that black dog Clegane, and now Selmy's wanted for treason.
  • 他们把他原先的席位给了那条黑狗克里冈,现在赛尔弥正被通缉中,罪名是叛国。
  • The fools sent some watchmen to seize him, but he slew two of them and escaped."
  • 那些蠢才派了几个卫士去拿他,结果他宰了两个后逃走了。”
  • Mormont snorted, leaving no doubt of his view of men who'd send gold cloaks against a knight as renowed as Barristan the Bold.
  • 莫尔蒙哼了一声,他对那些派都城守卫去对付像无畏的巴利斯坦如此武艺超凡的人的看法,溢于言表。


The cold winds are rising. Summer is at an end, and a winter is coming such as this world has never seen."

Winter is coming. The Stark words had never sounded so grim or ominous to Jon as they did now. "My lord," he asked hesitantly, "it's said there was a bird last night... "
There was. What of it?
I had hoped for some word of my father.
Father, taunted the old raven, bobbing its head as it walked across Mormont's shoulders. "Father."
The Lord Commander reached up to pinch its beak shut, but the raven hopped up on his head, fluttered its wings, and flew across the chamber to light above a window. "Grief and noise," Mormont grumbled. "That's all they're good for, ravens. Why I put up with that pestilential bird... if there was news of Lord Eddard, don't you think I would have sent for you? Bastard or no, you're still his blood. The message concerned Sir Barristan Selmy. It seems he's been removed from the Kingsguard. They gave his place to that black dog Clegane, and now Selmy's wanted for treason. The fools sent some watchmen to seize him, but he slew two of them and escaped." Mormont snorted, leaving no doubt of his view of men who'd send gold cloaks against a knight as renowed as Barristan the Bold.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
ominous ['ɔminəs]


adj. 预兆的,不祥的

slew [slu:]


n. 沼地,极多,回转 n. 大量,许多 v. 使转,扭

treason ['tri:zn]


n. 叛逆,通敌,背叛,叛国罪

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

commander [kə'mɑ:ndə]


n. 司令官,指挥官

bold [bəuld]


adj. 大胆的,粗体的,醒目的,无礼的,陡峭的

pinch [pintʃ]


n. 捏,一撮,少量,困苦,偷窃
vt. 掐,

bastard ['bæstəd]


adj. 私生的,错误的,混蛋的 n. 私生子,混蛋

grief [gri:f]


n. 悲痛,忧伤

stark [stɑ:k]


adj. 僵硬的,完全的,严酷的,荒凉的,光秃秃的 ad





