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权利的游戏 第952期:第五十四章 琼恩(2)

编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Maester Aemon had given him milk of the poppy, yet even so, the pain had been hideous.
  • 伊蒙师傅给他喝了罂粟花奶,但即便如此,手依旧痛得要命。
  • At first it had felt as if his hand were still aflame, burning day and night.
  • 起初他感觉自己的手仍然着火,日夜烧个不停,
  • Only plunging it into basins of snow and shaved ice gave any relief at all.
  • 惟有将之插进装满陈雪和碎冰的盆子里才能稍减疼痛。
  • Jon thanked the gods that no one but Ghost saw him writhing on his bed, whimpering from the pain.
  • 琼恩在床上疼痛难耐,翻滚哀嚎的模样,只有白灵知道,为此他暗自感谢天上诸神。
  • And when at last he did sleep, he dreamt, and that was even worse.
  • 可等他真的睡了,他又会作梦,这些梦比手伤还可怕。
  • In the dream, the corpse he fought had blue eyes, black hands, and his father's face, but he dared not tell Mormont that.
  • 在梦中,和他厮杀的尸体不仅有蓝眼睛和黑手掌,更有父亲的脸,他可不敢把这个告诉莫尔蒙。
  • Dywen and Hake returned last night, the Old Bear said. "They found no sign of your uncle, no more than the others did."
  • “戴文和哈克昨晚回来了,”熊老说,“和其他人一样,他们没找到半点你叔叔的踪迹。”
  • I know. Jon had dragged himself to the common hall to sup with his friends,
  • “我知道。”昨晚琼恩硬拖着身子去大厅和朋友们共进晚餐,
  • and the failure of the rangers' search had been all the men had been talking of.
  • 当时大家谈论的都是游骑兵失败的搜查行动。
  • You know, Mormont grumbled. "How is it that everyone knows everything around here?"
  • “你也知道,”莫尔蒙咕哝,“怎么大家什么都知道啊?”
  • He did not seem to expect an answer.
  • 他也没期待答案。
  • "It would seem there were only the two of... of those creatures, whatever they were, I will not call them men.
  • “看来,总共就那么两个……东西。不管他们是什么,我绝对不承认他们是人。
  • And thank the gods for that.
  • 感谢天上诸神。
  • Any more and... well, that doesn't bear thinking of.
  • 要是再多几个……唉,还是别去想的好。
  • There will be more, though. I can feel it in these old bones of mine, and Maester Aemon agrees.
  • 只是我这身老骨头有预感,以后迟早会再碰上,伊蒙师傅也这么说。


Maester Aemon had given him milk of the poppy, yet even so, the pain had been hideous. At first it had felt as if his hand were still aflame, burning day and night. Only plunging it into basins of snow and shaved ice gave any relief at all. Jon thanked the gods that no one but Ghost saw him writhing on his bed, whimpering from the pain. And when at last he did sleep, he dreamt, and that was even worse. In the dream, the corpse he fought had blue eyes, black hands, and his father's face, but he dared not tell Mormont that.

Dywen and Hake returned last night, the Old Bear said. "They found no sign of your uncle, no more than the others did."
I know. Jon had dragged himself to the common hall to sup with his friends, and the failure of the rangers' search had been all the men had been talking of.
You know, Mormont grumbled. "How is it that everyone knows everything around here?" He did not seem to expect an answer. "It would seem there were only the two of... of those creatures, whatever they were, I will not call them men. And thank the gods for that. Any more and... well, that doesn't bear thinking of. There will be more, though. I can feel it in these old bones of mine, and Maester Aemon agrees.




