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《酷刑,法律与战争》公开课 >
- I said to him, "Are your legs bothering you?"
- 我对他说 "你的腿还让你感到痛苦吗?
- and he said "Yes", and I said er "Is it from the job?" and he said "No" He said "It's from the torture" which he'd never said before.
- 他说 "是的"我问 "是因为工作吗"他说 "不是,是因为折磨"他从来没有说过这点
- Er, he'd never introduced this topic.
- 他从来没有谈过这个话题
- The interpreter who was very skilled er, as er in this work as well, she and I looked at each other and so I said "From the torture?"
- 翻译在这方面也很有经验对这个工作很了解我和她相互对视然后我问 "是因为折磨?"
- and then he went into it and he said "Yes, when my legs hurt," he says "I remember everybody who died there,
- 然后他继续讲他说 "是的,当我腿疼痛时"他说 "我就想起那里的所有人"
- I don't feel I have any right to be alive" and he said that um, it brings it all back to me again
- 我觉得自己没有活下来的权利他说,这些感情重新袭来
- and he said "and I don't know what to do with this", and er he said "I er I feel like I have no purpose"
- 他说,我不知道该怎么做他说,我觉得自己没有目标
- and I saw him as really being a good father er and a good husband and so I turned to his wife er,
- 在我看来,他已经是个很好的父亲很好的妻子了,所以我转向他的妻子
- partly because I wasn't, I was a little , trying to th.. get some time here to think
- 部分原因是我.我想争取点时间思考
- how things had taken this turn so I turned to his wife and
- 事情怎么会出现这一转向于是我转向他的妻子
- I said "Do you think it's right that er, do you think he's right that he has no reason to be alive?"
- 我说 "你觉得这对吗?"你觉得他找不到活下去的理由,对吗?
- Because I thought she'd easily be able to say "He's such a good father and a provider "
- 因为我以为她会自然而然地说他是个好父亲,养家糊口
- and a good husband", er but before she was able to answer
- 是个好父亲"但是在她回答我问题之前
- he raised his hand and he said "Don't ask her because she has never heard me talk about this."
- 他抬起手,说"别问她"她从来没有听过我说这些"
- He said "I've never told anyone about this."
- 他说 "我从来没有对别人说起这些"
- And then put, and then his kids who were really lively had stopped moving and playing and
- 然后把手放下,他的孩子真的活泼可爱也不动了,不玩耍了
- they were kind of standing there and looking at me, and he put his hand on his son's head um
- 他们就站在那里,看着我他把手放在儿子的头上
- and he, his son was named after his brother who was a priest who had been killed,
- 他给儿子取了他弟弟的名字他弟弟是个牧师,也遇害了
- and he said "And when my son grows up" he says "I want him to know about his brother who gave his life."
- 他说 "我儿子长大以后"我想让他知道我的弟弟他奉献了自己的生命"
- And my point in telling you this is that it was really moving, it was extremely unexpected,
- 我告诉你们这个故事的目的是它真的很感人,也出乎意料
- and it was a profound breakthrough er for him and it happened as you can tell in the story
- 这对他来说,是个重大的突破你们可以看出来,
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201702/490618.shtml