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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The dangers are twofold on one side it's detachment.
  • 我们会有两种危险,一种是冷漠冷淡
  • You work in the face of these, these terrible experiences and you stop engaging in it these terrible experiences and you stop engaging in it
  • 你工作要面对这些这些可怕的经历,你会停止参与其中因为这代价太高了
  • For me personally what was harder was when I was working with an AIDS group
  • 对我个人而言,更困难的是当我和一群艾滋病小组工作时
  • and all the men in it died during the 90s and I just felt really, um much worse than I expected.
  • 小组里的所有人都在90年代去世了我感觉非常糟,比我想象的要糟的多
  • I felt really defeated by it, er it wasn't very rational.
  • 我真的感觉被它打败了,感觉一切没都不合理
  • But in the work with torture, um I find it not being quite as, quite as demanding er on me as a therapist
  • 但是在和受到折磨的人合作时我觉得对我说没有那么吃力
  • because I see so much um ability to get through this, but I really feel it's very important
  • 因为我看到了人们战胜折磨的能力我但是我觉得非常重要的是
  • not to do this by oneself and that's why we meet as a group and talk about it
  • 不要一个人逞强所以我们组成了小组,互相谈论
  • and talk about the experiences that we struggle with as well.
  • 说一说我们的经历我们其实也在斗争,挣扎
  • I just have one guy that I worked with for about 3 years that discontinued treatment
  • 还有个我治疗了3年的人我离开了一月
  • and um he did it after I was gone for a month and it's driving me crazy
  • 他就停止治疗了这让我很疑惑
  • because I don't know why he discontinued and it, it's difficult for me to handle my reactions
  • 因为我不明白他为什么中断治疗对我来说,我很难控制我的情绪
  • er and yet in talking about it with the group they're suggesting that give him some time you know
  • 但是在小组里讨论时他们建议我给他点时间
  • er I don't want to go into the details on it but I'm using it as an example of how the group helps me to be able to handle it better.
  • 我不会具体展开说明只是用它来做个例子,说明这样的小组可以帮助更好的把握情绪
  • I'm supposed to be the supervisor but we're all in this together and we all need to talk it through
  • 我本来应该是指导老师但是我们都聚在一起我们都需要倾诉
  • and sort out which are our reactions and which are theirs.
  • 然后分清楚哪些使我们的反应哪些是受害者的反应
  • Um, the opposite side of detachment is er enmeshment where we take it too much home with us.
  • 和冷漠相反的一面就是投入感,我们投入地过多了


The dangers are twofold on one side it's detachment.

You work in the face of these, these terrible experiences and you stop engaging in it these terrible experiences and you stop engaging in it
For me personally what was harder was when I was working with an AIDS group
and all the men in it died during the 90s and I just felt really, um much worse than I expected.
I felt really defeated by it, er it wasn't very rational.
But in the work with torture, um I find it not being quite as, quite as demanding er on me as a therapist
because I see so much um ability to get through this, but I really feel it's very important
not to do this by oneself and that's why we meet as a group and talk about it
and talk about the experiences that we struggle with as well.
I just have one guy that I worked with for about 3 years that discontinued treatment
and um he did it after I was gone for a month and it's driving me crazy
because I don't know why he discontinued and it, it's difficult for me to handle my reactions
er and yet in talking about it with the group they're suggesting that give him some time you know
er I don't want to go into the details on it but I'm using it as an example of how the group helps me to be able to handle it better.
I'm supposed to be the supervisor but we're all in this together and we all need to talk it through
and sort out which are our reactions and which are theirs.
Um, the opposite side of detachment is er enmeshment where we take it too much home with us.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
therapist ['θerəpist]


n. 临床医学家

demanding [di'mændiŋ]


adj. 要求多的,吃力的

rational ['ræʃənəl]


adj. 合理的,理性的,能推理的
n. 有理

handle ['hændl]


n. 柄,把手
v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭

detachment [di'tætʃmənt]


n. 分离,分遣,冷漠,公正

engaging [in'geidʒiŋ]


adj. 动人的,迷人的,有魅力的





