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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • We were always on the very concrete, very immediate, the weather, the traffic, his job, but nothing regarding the past.
  • 我们讨论的都是很具体的事非常直接的东西,例如天气,交通,他的工作没有提到过去
  • Nothing regarding what was going on inside him
  • 我一点也不了解他内心的世界
  • as much as I would try to probe for that or move in that direction.
  • 虽然我很想深入了解朝着这个方向努力
  • After about a year, year and a half he brought his wife over with the children.
  • 一年,或者一年半以后他带着妻子和孩子来了
  • They were 1 and 3 years old and he brought them to the meetings and
  • 一个1岁,一个三岁他把他们带到我们见面的地方
  • he went way out of his way to come to these meetings, we met in uptown and he worked as a gardener
  • 他要走很远的路来见我,们在住宅区见面,他在北海岸地区
  • up in the north shore area, in a pickup truck he would go up there and he lived in Pilsen
  • 做园艺工人,他开着小货车住在皮尔森地区
  • so you can maybe sense the geography for those of you from Chicago.
  • 对于来自芝加哥的人可以明白这是怎么的地理概念
  • Anyway it would take him about 15-20 miles from the time he got off work to go home and get his family to come and meet with us, to meet with me, er,
  • 他要下班回家,回家带上家人然后来见我他需要走15-20英里
  • and the interpreter I was working with and we met for um, every week for,
  • 我有个翻译我说过,在过去5年
  • as I said over the course of 5 years and each meeting would be about an hour and a half
  • 我们每周见面每次见面一个半小时
  • so we'd finish up at about 9 o'clock at night and it was obviously really important for him to do this but
  • 我们晚上9点结束很显然,这么做对他很重要
  • I was really puzzled as to what the value of it was and I'd try to ask him about it
  • 但是我真的很困惑这么做的价值是什么我想问问他
  • because it never seemed to be going anywhere
  • 因为看起来我们的见面谈话治疗起不到任何作用
  • and I was concerned about whether I was working with him as affectively as I could.
  • 我担心是否有效我担心能不能帮到他
  • And I would say to him, "How is this helping?"
  • 我想对他说 "有效果吗?"
  • and said "I don't know, it just makes me feel better"
  • 他说"我不知道,只是让我感觉好点"
  • which was good enough to continue on.
  • 那就很好了,我们可以继续了
  • Um, and er he'd bring the kids in and so the kids would play, we would talk about the kids,
  • 他把孩子带过来孩子可以四处玩爽,我们就讨论孩子
  • and the kids got older and they were 2 and 4 and 3 and 5
  • 孩子已经长大了,分别是2岁 4岁然后是3岁 5岁
  • and they were a really a nice part of the meeting
  • 他们已经成为我们见面中美好的一部分
  • and his wife was very quiet in the meetings but he wanted his family there.
  • 他的妻子一般都非常安静但是他想要家人陪着他


We were always on the very concrete, very immediate, the weather, the traffic, his job, but nothing regarding the past.

Nothing regarding what was going on inside him
as much as I would try to probe for that or move in that direction.
After about a year, year and a half he brought his wife over with the children.
They were 1 and 3 years old and he brought them to the meetings and
he went way out of his way to come to these meetings, we met in uptown and he worked as a gardener
up in the north shore area, in a pickup truck he would go up there and he lived in Pilsen
so you can maybe sense the geography for those of you from Chicago.
Anyway it would take him about 15-20 miles from the time he got off work to go home and get his family to come and meet with us, to meet with me, er,
and the interpreter I was working with and we met for um, every week for,
as I said over the course of 5 years and each meeting would be about an hour and a half
so we'd finish up at about 9 o'clock at night and it was obviously really important for him to do this but
I was really puzzled as to what the value of it was and I'd try to ask him about it
because it never seemed to be going anywhere
and I was concerned about whether I was working with him as affectively as I could.
And I would say to him, "How is this helping?"
我想对他说 "有效果吗?"
and said "I don't know, it just makes me feel better"
which was good enough to continue on.
Um, and er he'd bring the kids in and so the kids would play, we would talk about the kids,
and the kids got older and they were 2 and 4 and 3 and 5
孩子已经长大了,分别是2岁 4岁然后是3岁 5岁
and they were a really a nice part of the meeting
and his wife was very quiet in the meetings but he wanted his family there.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
immediate [i'mi:djət]


adj. 立即的,即刻的,直接的,最接近的

concrete ['kɔnkri:t]


adj. 具体的,实质性的,混凝土的
n. 水



adj. 困惑的;搞糊涂的;茫然的

probe [prəub]


n. 探针,探测器,调查,查究
v. 用探针测

interpreter [in'tə:pritə]


n. 译员,口译者,解释程序

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的





