v. 威胁,恐吓
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- Here's one good thing to come out of 2016 — solar energy is finally cheaper than fossil fuels.
- 2016年有一个好事情,太阳能最终比化石燃料便宜。
- The World Economic Forum estimates that in over 30 countries across the globe, solar and wind are now the same price or cheaper than fossil fuels.
- 世界经济论坛估计,在全球30多个国家中太阳能和风能的价格和化石燃料相同,甚至更便宜。
- And more countries are expected to join those ranks.
- 预计更多的国家加入这些行列。
- Solar energy has come a long way.
- 太阳能已经走过漫长的道路。
- About a decade ago the average cost of generating a megawatt-hour of solar energy was 600 dollars,now it hovers around 100, the same average price of coal.
- 大约十年前,生成一兆瓦太阳能的成本是600美元,现在在100美元左右,与煤炭的平均价格一样。
- Plus, wind and solar are attracting more and more investors; renewable energy trumped fossil fuel investments globally for the first time in 2015.
- 此外,风能和太阳能正在吸引越来越多的投资者;在2015年,可再生能源首次在全球范围内胜过化石燃料投资。
- Despite these strides, the report says we won't achieve the goal of capping global temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius unless more investments are made.
- 尽管取得了这些进展,报告表示,我们不会达到阻止全球气温上升超过2摄氏度的目标,除非有更多的投资。


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