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《酷刑,法律与战争》公开课 >
- I, er recognise that this conference is largely political, philosophical and legal in its emphasis.
- 我看到这次会议大部分都是强调 政治 哲学 法律
- I hope the psychological side of it can add to it as well.
- 因此我希望能够增加 心理学这个视角
- I begin with a couple of general speculations about psychology's part in this um, with regard to torture.
- 首先 我先说几个 关于心理学在酷刑中作用的一般性推论
- Um, I think that er, psychology is both part of the problem and part of the er response if you will.
- 在我看来 如果你同意的话 心理学既是 问题的一部分 也是对策的一部分
- The er, the history of it in terms of the problem has been traced in some of the literature back to at least the 50's when um,
- 从问题角度来开 它的历史 历史文献表明 可以追溯到 至少50年代
- the film a documentary came out, er,
- 当时有部纪录片
- won the Academy Award Taxi to the Dark Side a profile Deal Heb at McGill University in his research on sensory deprivation in the 50's
- 《驶向阴霾的出租车》获得了奥斯卡奖 麦吉尔大学 迪尔教授 在他对50年代感官剥夺的研究中
- and has a kind of shocking statement by him saying that the advantage of sensory deprivation is in effect,
- 做出了一个惊人的言论 他说 感官剥夺的好处
- it shows no bruises, er, but it breaks the person.
- 就是实际上没有丝毫的瘀伤 却可以让人崩溃
- He predicted that within two to three days of total sensory deprivation the personality can be destroyed.
- 他预言 完全感官剥离 两到三天 可以彻底摧毁人格
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201612/482976.shtml