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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • That was some hyperbole a kind of misplaced enthusiasm if you will
  • 这么说可能有些夸张 是种错位的热情
  • but it was used by the defence department and it continues to be used now.
  • 但是国防部曾经使用过这种方法 现在仍在使用它
  • That's the way psychology's contributed to some of the er, the intense of torture.
  • 这就是心理学如何有助于 增强酷刑折磨的作用
  • In the 60's er, another er set of studies where using the pharmaceuticals, Psychopharmacology.
  • 在60年代 另一套研究 使用药物的学科 精神病药理学
  • Er, LSD in terms of trying to break the brain if you will as er, a method of um controlling people that you wanted to break.
  • 使用例如迷幻药 来摧毁大脑 这种方法可以控制那些 你想要摧毁的人
  • Um, Milgram studies are famous, maybe the most famous studies er, in psychology er, about obedience.
  • 米尔格伦的研究很有名 也许是关于心理学 关于顺从 最有名的研究了
  • There had been kind of a wish to think that er, what happened in Nazi Germany was because of the German character.
  • 以前一直有人一厢情愿地相信 德国纳粹所发生的事 是由德国人的民族性格造成的
  • Milgram studied wholesome all American college students and found out that they would inflict torture
  • 米尔格伦在调查研究了所有 心智健全的美国大学生后 发现大学生只要接到命令
  • just under orders to do so without question, over and over again to the point of inducing pain.
  • 也会毫不怀疑地实施酷刑 一遍一遍 直到引起痛苦
  • This changed the way human nature in some ways was understood certainly the way um, er the power of obedience was.
  • 这改变了人们对人类本性的某些看法 当然也改变了人们对 顺从屈服的力量的看法
  • And I think has bearing now in terms of understanding what happens with torture.
  • 我认为它也有助于 理解酷刑和折磨


That was some hyperbole a kind of misplaced enthusiasm if you will

这么说可能有些夸张 是种错位的热情

but it was used by the defence department and it continues to be used now.

但是国防部曾经使用过这种方法 现在仍在使用它

That's the way psychology's contributed to some of the er, the intense of torture.

这就是心理学如何有助于 增强酷刑折磨的作用

In the 60's er, another er set of studies where using the pharmaceuticals, Psychopharmacology.

在60年代 另一套研究 使用药物的学科 精神病药理学

Er, LSD in terms of trying to break the brain if you will as er, a method of um controlling people that you wanted to break.

使用例如迷幻药 来摧毁大脑 这种方法可以控制那些 你想要摧毁的人

Um, Milgram studies are famous, maybe the most famous studies er, in psychology er, about obedience.

米尔格伦的研究很有名 也许是关于心理学 关于顺从 最有名的研究了

There had been kind of a wish to think that er, what happened in Nazi Germany was because of the German character.

以前一直有人一厢情愿地相信 德国纳粹所发生的事 是由德国人的民族性格造成的

Milgram studied wholesome all American college students and found out that they would inflict torture

米尔格伦在调查研究了所有 心智健全的美国大学生后 发现大学生只要接到命令

just under orders to do so without question, over and over again to the point of inducing pain.

也会毫不怀疑地实施酷刑 一遍一遍 直到引起痛苦

This changed the way human nature in some ways was understood certainly the way um, er the power of obedience was.

这改变了人们对人类本性的某些看法 当然也改变了人们对 顺从屈服的力量的看法

And I think has bearing now in terms of understanding what happens with torture.

我认为它也有助于 理解酷刑和折磨

重点单词   查看全部解释    
obedience [ə'bi:djəns]


n. 服从,顺从

hyperbole [hai'pə:bəli]


n. 夸张法

intense [in'tens]


adj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的

inflict [in'flikt]


vt. 施以,加害,使遭受,折磨

wholesome ['həulsəm]


adj. 有益健康的,合乎卫生的,健全的

enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzəm]


n. 热情,热心;热衷的事物





