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  • They will be putting books out there for you to examine,
  • 他们会把书放在那里 希望各位能够批评指正
  • they are not for sale,
  • 那些书不对外出售
  • we are not having book signings here but it is a chance to get a sense as to what kind of work is out there by our presenters.
  • 也不会有书籍签名活动 这让大家有机会了解到 我们的发言人正在进行哪些工作和研究
  • So with that I will er, bring up the next panel,
  • 下面 有请下一个小组
  • Susan Bandes and er Bill Gorman and Nancy Sherman talking about the Psychology of Torture, thank you.
  • 苏珊.邦德 比尔.格曼 和南希.谢尔曼 探讨酷刑和心理学 谢谢各位
  • Thank you so much Scott, and I'm really thrilled to be included in this um in this very important conference.
  • 斯科特 非常感谢你 我真的非常高兴能够 能够参加这个重要的大会
  • Um, I am er, going to er, introduce first of all our two speakers, er please come on, make yourselves at home.
  • 首先 我要向大家介绍 我们今天的两位发言人 请上台来 不要客气
  • This is er, Bill Gorman who is er,
  • 这位是比尔.格曼
  • wears a number of hats but probably the most relevant one to um,
  • 他是几个机构的成员 也许和今天的会议主题
  • the current topic is that he is a long time board member and um, volunteer at the Marjorie Kovler Center er,
  • 最相关的就是 他是马札理卡弗勒中心的 长期研究员和志愿者
  • for the treatment for the survivors of torture and he's going to be talking about their repeated challenges with victims of torture,
  • 该中心致力于为酷刑折磨的生还者提供治疗 他今天要演讲的是 他们在治疗酷刑受害者时经常遇到的挑战


They will be putting books out there for you to examine,

他们会把书放在那里 希望各位能够批评指正

they are not for sale,


we are not having book signings here but it is a chance to get a sense as to what kind of work is out there by our presenters.

也不会有书籍签名活动 这让大家有机会了解到 我们的发言人正在进行哪些工作和研究

So with that I will er, bring up the next panel,

下面 有请下一个小组

Susan Bandes and er Bill Gorman and Nancy Sherman talking about the Psychology of Torture, thank you.

苏珊.邦德 比尔.格曼 和南希.谢尔曼 探讨酷刑和心理学 谢谢各位

Thank you so much Scott, and I'm really thrilled to be included in this um in this very important conference.

斯科特 非常感谢你 我真的非常高兴能够 能够参加这个重要的大会

Um, I am er, going to er, introduce first of all our two speakers, er please come on, make yourselves at home.

首先 我要向大家介绍 我们今天的两位发言人 请上台来 不要客气

This is er, Bill Gorman who is er,


wears a number of hats but probably the most relevant one to um,

他是几个机构的成员 也许和今天的会议主题

the current topic is that he is a long time board member and um, volunteer at the Marjorie Kovler Center er,

最相关的就是 他是马札理卡弗勒中心的 长期研究员和志愿者

for the treatment for the survivors of torture and he's going to be talking about their repeated challenges with victims of torture,

该中心致力于为酷刑折磨的生还者提供治疗 他今天要演讲的是 他们在治疗酷刑受害者时经常遇到的挑战

重点单词   查看全部解释    
conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

relevant ['relivənt]


adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的





