Mercy Lewis and nine other women and girls claim Corey is a witch.
默西·刘易斯与另外九名妇女和女孩 声称科里是个女巫
Haunting their dreams,hurting them without touching them.
说她制造梦魇 不用接触就能伤害她们
Mercy testifies:"I believe in my heart"that Martha Corey is a most dreadful witch,
默西指证道:我心里深深相信 玛莎·科里是个最可怕的女巫
biting, pinching and choking me.
"不停地撕咬我 蹂躏我 扼住我的喉咙"
All considered evidence of witchcraft.
The people of Salem are puritans.
They live by the Bible,in fear of the devil,
他们谨遵而活 对魔鬼充满了恐惧
blaming him for famine, disease and conflict.
认为魔鬼是导致饥荒 疾病和矛盾的元凶
The fascinating thing about the Salem witch trials
is they occur at a crucial tipping point in the history of America.
它处在美洲历史发展的 一个转折点上
Supernatural explanations are first and foremost in their mind.
把这解释为"超自然现象" 是人们的第一反应
They see the devil allied with the Indians.
So if you can imagine sitting in your living room with your tiny tallow candle
想象一下 你坐在自己的屋子里 只燃了一支小牛油烛
and your window's cracked open a bit for the breeze,
every snap of the branch you hear,every rustle of a leaf you hear,
树枝吱吱呀呀摇摆 树叶窸窸窣窣作响
is either the devil or the Indians,this is their nightly experience.
你会觉得不是魔鬼来了 就是印第安人来了 每晚都在惊慌中度过
For three hundred years, the West has been gripped by a witch-hunting frenzy.
三百年来 西方世界都笼罩在 "猎巫"的狂乱之中
45,000 put to death.80% women.
45,000人被处死 其中百分之八十是女人