。空内信息可在本新闻中全部找到,大家可以根据这些信息复述新闻 。一、泛听建议:
。遇到相似的词,写下来 。Emergency crews are continuing search and rescue _1_ in Washington state after a massive landslide yesterday. The death toll has risen to four with 17 people unaccounted for. NPR's Martin Kaste is downriver from the slide near Oso, Washington.
昨天华盛顿州发生大规模山体滑坡事故,目前救援人员仍在继续进行搜救NPR新闻的马丁·凯斯特将从华盛顿奥索附近的滑坡事发地下游地区带来报道 。 。死亡人数已上升至4人,另有17人下落不明 。
Washington Governor Jay Inslee flew over the site this morning, and he says that the area of the landslide is just pure devastation.He said that where that hillside _2_, not a single stick was left standing and everything was just swept in its path—forests and houses.
今天上午,华盛顿州州长杰伊·英斯利飞越了事发地,他表示,那片发生滑坡事故的区域已经完全毁坏 。他说,那里的山坡垮塌,树木全部倒塌,所有的东西都被冲向森林和房屋 。
Authorities say rescue operations have been hampered by quicksand-like mud, _3_ it too dangerous to send workers into the stricken area. Officials _4_ nearby residents to be on alert for a possible flooding.
有关部门表示,流沙状泥块阻碍了救援工作的进行,在这种情况下派遣人员前往受灾地区非常危险 。官员警告附近的居民要警惕洪水威胁 。
President Obama and world leaders could end up discussing the large military force Russia has on Ukraine's eastern border. NATO's top military commander says Russia has enough troops to move into _5_ territory in neighboring Moldova. From Brussels, Teri Schultz reports on NATO's concern.
奥巴马总统和世界领导人结束了就俄罗斯在乌克兰东部边境驻扎大量军事力量进行的讨论 。北约组织最高军事指挥官表示,俄罗斯的军队数量足以“侵入”乌克兰邻国摩尔多瓦存在争议的领土 。泰瑞·舒尔茨将从布鲁塞尔报道北约所担心的问题 。
1. be unaccounted for
eg. About £50 million from the robbery five years ago is unaccounted for.
5年前发生的那起抢劫案中仍有大约5,000万英镑不知去向 。
eg. In addition, are hundreds of are still unaccounted for.
此外,还有数百人至今下落不明 。
2. be on the alert for
eg. They want to be on the alert for similar buying opportunities.
他们希望随时掌握有关类似购买机会的信息 。
eg. Her fears had always been on the alert for an upheaval.
她日夜提心吊胆,严防突变 。