。空内信息可在本新闻中全部找到,大家可以根据这些信息复述新闻 。一、泛听建议:
。遇到相似的词,写下来 。The investment bank JP Morgan Chase _1_ a major deal today to sell its commodities business to trader Mercuria Energy Group. NPR's Zoe Chace reports JP Morgan is the latest in a string of big investment banks _2_ themselves in metals and oil holdings.
今天,投资银行摩根大通宣布了一笔大交易,将其商品业务出售给贸易商摩科瑞能源集团NPR新闻的佐伊·蔡斯报道,摩根大通是最后一个投资金属和石油控股的大型投资银行 。 。据
Remember when big banks spent a lot of money investing in financial products that went under during the financial crisis? When those went away, lots of these banks invested big in commodities -- Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley; JP Morgan alone spent more than $2 billion on metals, oil, natural gas. In fact, it once owned so much aluminum that it even bought out an aluminum storage unit by the railroad tracks in Baltimore. But now new rules _3_ in that might prohibit some of that activity and also require banks to hold on to more cash as a safety net. Managing all that aluminum stuff _4_. The bank sold off its commodities for $3.5 billion. Zoe Chace,NPR News.
还记得当大型银行花费大量钱财投资金融产品然后经历了金融危机吗?它们撤离这一领域后,许多银行开始投资商品业务,这其中就包括高盛集团和摩根士丹利NPR新闻,佐伊·蔡斯报道 。 。而摩根大通独自在金属、石油和天然气业务上投资了20多亿美元 。实际上,摩根大通曾经持有大量铝材,因此甚至买下了巴尔的摩铁道附近的一家铝材仓库 。但是现在出台的新规定可能会禁止这种活动,同时新规要求银行持有更多现金作为安全保障 。经营铝业务则耗资严重 。摩根大通银行以35亿美元出售了商品业务 。
Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee wrapped up its two-day meeting in Washington today, saying it'll keep interest rates low for an unspecified period of time, but it apparently did not give Wall Street much to _5_ about. The Dow was down 114 points.
今天,美联储公开市场委员会结束了在华盛顿举行的为期两天的会议,并表示将在很长一段时间内保持低利率,不过这似乎并未给华尔街带来足够的信心 。今天道琼斯工业平均指数下降114点 。
This is NPR.
这里是NPR新闻 。
1. buy out
eg. Large companies can easily buy out the shareholders of small companies.
大公司可以很轻易地买下小分司的全部股份 。
eg. He had enough money to buy out the island.
他的钱多得足够买下那个岛 。
2. hold on to
eg. I'd hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.
目前我不能出让那所房子,此刻房价正在急剧上涨 。
eg. Before you settle for less , hold on to what is most important.
在你舍本逐末之前,一定要分清轻重缓急 。
3. sell off
eg. The company is selling off some sites and concentrating on cutting debts.
该公司正在变卖几块地皮,全力削减债务 。
eg. He decided to sell off some of the less promising stocks.
他决定廉价出售一部分滞销存货 。