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At the United Nations, the U.S. has circulated a _1_ U.S.-China sanctions resolution in response to North Korea’s third and most powerful nuclear test February 12, which was a violation of U.N. measures. Linda Fasulo reports U.S. ambassador Susan Rice told reporters that the draft measure would impede North Korea’s ability to _2_ develop its illegal nuclear and ballistic missile programs.
美国向联合国提交了一份中美制裁决议草案,以回应朝鲜于2月12日第三次也是最强大的一次核试验行为,该行为违反了联合国的相关决议 。据琳达·法苏洛报道,美国大使苏珊·赖斯接受采访时表示,该决议草案将制约朝鲜进一步发展非法核武器和弹道导弹项目的能力 。
Rice said that for the first time the _3_ sanctions will target illicit actions by North Korea’s diplomats, banking relations and illicit transfers of bulk cash. New traveling restrictions would _4_ on key officials. The U.S. ambassador described the proposed U.S.-China-backed measure as exceptionally strong and _5_ at getting North Korea to comply with its international obligations.
赖斯表示,这是第一次针对朝鲜外交官的非法活动、银行业务以及非法现金转账进行制裁 。草案中还包括对朝鲜
重要官员的出行限制 。美国大使表示这份中美支持的制裁决议极其严厉,旨在要求朝鲜履行国际义务 。
"The resolution table today will take the U.S. sanctions imposed on North Korea to the next level."
“今天提交的决议使美国对朝鲜的制裁进入了新阶段 。”
Meanwhile, China’s envoy said it was necessary to send a strong signal to Pyongyang over its nuclear test. Diplomats expect a vote to come this week. For NPR News, I’m Linda Fasulo in New York.
同时,中国大使表示有必要就解决朝核问题向平壤释放出强有力的信号NPR新闻,琳达·法苏洛纽约报道 。 。外交官希望本周内能进行投票 。
1. impede vt.阻碍;妨碍;阻止
eg. Fallen rock is impeding the progress of rescue workers.
坠落的石头阻滞了救援人员的救援进程 。
eg. One shouldn't impede other's progress.
一个人不应该妨碍他人进步 。
eg. With the impressive momentum you've built and the passion and drive that you have been exhibiting, there is almost nothing that could impede your progress.
伴随着你建立的令人印象深刻的势头和你所展示的热情和动力,几乎没有什么东西可以阻止你的前进 。
2. illicit adj.法律不许可的,非法的;不正当的
eg. Dante clearly condemns illicit love.
丹蒂旗帜鲜明地谴责不正当恋情 。
eg. Protecting and promoting market competition and preventing illicit price acts.
保护和促进市场竞争,制止不正当价格行为 。
eg. She occasionally drank alcohol and reported that she did not use tobacco or illicit drugs.
她偶尔饮酒,自述不吸烟,也不使用违禁药品 。
3. comply with 服从,遵从;应;顺应;照办
eg. All the citizens must comply with the law.
所有公民都必须遵守法律 。
eg. Any person who does not comply with this regulation may be disbarred.
任何人不遵守此项规则,会被取消资格 。
eg. Merchandise manufacturer's working hours and overtime will comply with local law.
产品制造商应按当地法律要求来安排其员工的工作时间和加班时间 。