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From NPR news in Washington, I am Louise Schiavone.
这里是华盛顿NPR新闻,我是路易丝·斯齐亚沃尼 。
President Obama is introducing three new appointees to his new cabinet, of greatest interest in
sequester-worried Washington. Sylvia Mathews Burwell's appointment to lead the Office of
Management and Budget. As former _1_ budget director under President Clinton, Mr. Obama says
that Burwell has what it takes.
奥巴马总统提名了三位内阁新成员,提名与备受减支计划困扰的华盛顿的利益密切相关 。西尔维娅·马修斯·伯
维尔被提名为白宫行政管理和预算局局长 。伯维尔曾担任克林顿政府时期白宫预算办公室副主任,奥巴马总统表
示,伯维尔具备预算管家的能力 。
"I am confident that my nominee for OMB director, Sylvia Mathews Burwell, is the right person to continue Jeff‘s great work". Opening the first meeting of his second term cabinet, the President said he continued to seek out Republican partners to reach a deal to end the sequester, 85 billion in budget cuts now _2_ . The President has also appointed air quality expert Gina McCarthy to lead the EPA and nuclear physicist Ernest Moniz to head the Department of Energy.
佳人选 。”总统召开了他第二任期的首次内阁会议,他在会议上表示,他将续续努力并力争与共和党达成妥协终
止减支,850亿美元的预算减支计划现在已经启动 。总统还提名空气质量专家吉娜·麦卡锡担任美国环保局局长
,核物理学家欧内斯特·莫尼兹担任美国能源部部长 。
It's been two years since BP oil well _3_ in the Gulf of Mexico taking the Deepwater Horizon oil rig with it along with several lives. As NPR’s Jeff Brady reports, a civil trial in New Orleans is entering its second week.
两年前,英国石油公司位于墨西哥湾的“深水地平线”钻井平台爆炸,造成多人死亡NPR新闻的杰夫·布拉 。据
迪报道,这起事件的民事审判正在新奥尔良进行,目前案件审理工作已进入第二周 。
Attorneys for the plaintiffs and companies that helped drill the Macondo well grilled BP’s Mark Bly about his investigation. A lawyer for rig-owner Transocean questioned Bly about apparent gaps in the report _4_ a call made to shore just before the accident. Transocean says its employees did not receive the information they needed from BP to operate safely. BP maintains the accident was the result of a series of failures by multiple parties. This trail aims to figure out what _5_ and who was at fault. It is expected to last through May unless the parties settled the case before then.
查工作 。钻井平台所有者越洋钻探公司的一位律师询问了布莱报告中的明显分歧,包括事故发生前打去海岸的那
个电话 。越洋钻探公司表示,其雇员并未从英国石油公司处获得安全操作所需的信息 。英国石油公司坚称,这起
事故是多方操作不当引发的后果 。审判旨在查明事故发生原因和事故责任人 。除非各方达成和解,否则案件审理
工作将持续到三月底 。
Jeff Brady, NPR news.
NPR新闻,杰夫·布拉迪报道 。
1、seek out 寻找到;找出
eg. Now is the time for local companies to seek out business opportunities in Europe...
对于当地公司来说,现在是时候去欧洲寻求商机了 。
eg. Ellen spent the day in the hills and sought me out when she returned.
埃伦在山里呆了一整天,并于回来后找到了我 。
eg. The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out.
聪明人的心得知识,智慧人的耳求知识 。