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From NPR News in Washington, I’m Lakshmi Singh.
这里是华盛顿NPR新闻,我是拉克什米·辛格 。
The Dow Jones Industrial Average _1_ record intra-day high. At last glance, we see the Dow up 134,nearly one percent at 14,262. It exceeded levels last seen in October, 2007 and has gained nearly nine percents so far this year. Investors are encouraged in part by _2_ in the U.S. service sector. Last month, it grew at its fastest pace in a year. The market’s rally is also driven by the Federal Reserve’s monetary easing policies and not to _3_ as the rebound in housing. NPR’s Dave Mattingly reports home prices rose sharply in January.
道琼斯工业平均指数一天内的上涨幅度创历史新高NPR新闻的戴夫·马丁利报道,1月份房价大幅上涨 。 。据最新数据,道琼斯工业平均指数上升134点,涨幅近1%,报14,262点 。数据超过了2007年10月份创造的纪录,今年已上升了近9个百分点 。美国服务业的增长趋势在一定程度上鼓励了投资者的信心 。上个月,服务部门的增长速度创新高 。美联储实行的宽松货币政策也推动了市场回暖,当然房地产市场也呈现出复苏态势 。据
Home prices rose nearly 10 percent as _4_ to January of last year. The largest gains were seen in Arizona and Nevada. Among big cities, the sharpest jumps were in Phoenix and Los Angeles. Molly Boesel is a senior economist at Core Logic."In the west, it’s mostly the institutional investors coming in and grouping up to start properties and _5_ the prices in the distressed area which is pushing up prices in those cities."Boesel says home prices should continue rising this year as buyer-demand increases and inventories remain tight. Dave Mattingly, NPR News, Washington.
1月份房价较去年同期上涨了近10%Core Logic公司的高级经济师莫莉·贝泽尔表示 。“西部主要是机构投资者开始涉足房产所有权,使得经济萧条区的房价上涨,刺激了那些城市的房价 。”贝泽尔表示,由于买方需求增加,今年房价会继续上涨,而库存则依然紧张 。NPR新闻,戴夫·马丁利华盛顿报道 。 。亚利桑那州和内华达州涨幅最大 。在大城市中,凤凰城和洛杉矶的房价涨幅最大 。
vi. 团结;重整;恢复;(网球等)连续对打
vt. 团结;集合;恢复健康、力量等
n. 集会;回复;公路赛车会
eg:About three thousand people held a rally to mark international human rights day.
大约三千人举行集会以纪念国际人权日 。
eg:Her cabinet colleagues have continued to rally to her support.
她的内阁同僚们继续团结一致地支持她 。
eg:...a long rally.
…一阵长时间的连续对打 。
eg:He rallied enough to thank his doctors.
他身体恢复得能向医生们道谢了 。
2、distressed area
[亦作depressed area][英国英语](失业率高的)贫困(或困难、萧条)地区,失业率高(或失业现象严重)的地区
[美国英语](政府或慈善机构应予援助的)灾区,受灾地区(=disaster area)
eg:This paper is to analyze the problems in the development of laborer industry in distressed area and give some advices or solutions.
本文就贫困地区务工经济发展过程中存在的问题进行分析并提出对策和建议 。