“You will bring the little princess to the stand, please.”
Not knowing exactly what this meant, the boys obeyed. A man stood up, saying, “The judges have decided that the prize of ten dollars goes to the little princess in the sedan chair.”
Philip and David opened their mouths in surprise. They had not known anything about a prize offer. Margot drew back, refusing to take the offered reward. “Oh, no, please. The boys did it all. Please give it to the boys.”
The big man smiled and turned to address the crowd. “The gracious princess desires that the reward be divided between her two faithful courtiers. Long live the May Day Princess!”
Philip and David, each with a new five dollar bill in his pocket, carried the little princess away while the crowd cheered.
“Did you ever!” marveled David. “We can make real desks now!”
“And Margot was so happy,” added Philip, remembering how her face had beamed when she saw the decorated chair.