By releasing it from the moonstone.
How do you guys even know this is gonna work?
cause we have a crafty witch on our side.
You discussed it with Bonnie.
She agreed to anything she could to help us.
It's Katherine who has the moonstone.She's not going to give it to you.
拿着月光石的可是凯瑟琳 她不会乖乖交给你们
We're gonna get it from her.
Well, what he means to say
is that we will pry it from her cold, dead hand if we have to.
哪怕杀掉凯瑟琳 我们也要抢回来
Bonnie just needs to find a way to release
the seal long enough for us to get in, get the moonstone and get out in time for her to return it.
让我们进去拿到月光石再出来就好 然后再让封印复原
Wow. I mean, it sounds like you guys already have it all planned out.
诶呀 看来你们已经计划妥当了
Yep. We're awesome.Except for one thing.
是啊 我们可厉害呢 可惜你们没料到一件事
I don't want you to do it.
What are you talking about? Elena, we don't have a choice.
你说什么呢 埃琳娜 我们别无选择
What about Klaus? We'll find him,but after we get the moonstone.
那克劳斯呢 我们会找到他的 不过要先拿到月光石
Is that before or after he kills everyone that I care about,including the two of you?
那会是在他杀光所有我在乎的人 包括你们俩 之前还是之后
Elena, if we can de-spell the moonstone,We can save your life.
埃琳娜 只要能解封月光石中的咒语 我们就能救你
I know. Everybody keeps saying that.
我知道 所有人都这么说
So your grams waited until you were in high school to tell you that you're a witch?
你外婆一直等到你上高中 才告诉你你是个女巫吗
Well, she brought it up before but I just thought she was drunk.
她之前提过 可我只当她喝多了
In my defense, she was.So then, you're, like, new?New-ish.
不过话说回来 她当时确实醉了 那么 你是个新巫师咯 新的很呐
I still have some growing pains.
Like?Physically, it's become a lot harder.
比如说 身体上的 施咒变得困难许多