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疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕) 第50期:安德烈

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • It was gift from a friend, uh, a guy I knew. Don't worry, killer. Andre actually hooked me up with my wife.
  • 一位朋友安排我来的 认识的人别担心 型男就是安德烈帮我搭上我妻子的
  • He's the best pick-up artist you'll ever meet. You live in midtown, right? Midtown east?
  • 他是最牛的勾搭大师了你在中城区住 是吧中城区东部
  • Yeah, that's right. We got to grab a meal sometime soon. It's great seeing you, man. Take care.
  • 没错有空一起吃顿饭吧见到你真好 保重
  • I saw that. Oh, boy. Hey, pal.
  • 我看到了天啊哥们儿
  • Checking out my girl? You know what? I didn't realize she was anyone's girl. Yeah, right.
  • 泡我的妞儿跟你说吧 我没意识到她名花有主了是啊
  • What the-- NYPD. You're cut off for the rest of the night. You understand me?
  • 怎么纽约警察 你今晚的活动就到此为止了听清了吗
  • Who the hell are you? You finish making your statement? I did.
  • 你到底是谁你录完口供了吗完了
  • Do you have a statement, like why you lied to me about what you do for a living? Am I under investigation, Lionel?
  • 你能对我供一下吗解释下你的工作 为什么跟我说谎我被调查了吗 莱奈尔
  • Did you do something to warrant investigation, Andre? No, of course not. You're avoiding the question.
  • 你做了什么值得被调查的事吗 安德烈不 当然没有你在回避问题
  • Fusco. Hold up, Lionel. I think our number might be a perp after all.
  • 弗斯科撑住了 莱奈尔这个号码可能是行凶者


It was gift from a friend, uh, a guy I knew. Don't worry, killer. Andre actually hooked me up with my wife.

一位朋友安排我来的 认识的人别担心 型男就是安德烈帮我搭上我妻子的

He's the best pick-up artist you'll ever meet. You live in midtown, right? Midtown east?

他是最牛的勾搭大师了你在中城区住 是吧中城区东部

Yeah, that's right. We got to grab a meal sometime soon. It's great seeing you, man. Take care.

没错有空一起吃顿饭吧见到你真好 保重

I saw that. Oh, boy. Hey, pal.


Checking out my girl? You know what? I didn't realize she was anyone's girl. Yeah, right.

泡我的妞儿跟你说吧 我没意识到她名花有主了是啊

What the-- NYPD. You're cut off for the rest of the night. You understand me?

怎么纽约警察 你今晚的活动就到此为止了听清了吗

Who the hell are you? You finish making your statement? I did.


Do you have a statement, like why you lied to me about what you do for a living? Am I under investigation, Lionel?

你能对我供一下吗解释下你的工作 为什么跟我说谎我被调查了吗 莱奈尔

Did you do something to warrant investigation, Andre? No, of course not. You're avoiding the question.

你做了什么值得被调查的事吗 安德烈不 当然没有你在回避问题

Fusco. Hold up, Lionel. I think our number might be a perp after all.

弗斯科撑住了 莱奈尔这个号码可能是行凶者

重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

warrant ['wɔ:rənt]


n. 正当理由,根据,委任状,准许
vt. 保





