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疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕) 第49期:监视

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • You see? She's still doing her job, Harold. Always watching.
  • 瞧她仍在工作 哈罗德永远在监视
  • Time to go. You're just too marvelous, too marvelous for words Like "glorious", "glamorous" and that old standby "amorous".
  • 该走了你真是太神奇, 以至于无法言论 像光荣, 魅力, 传统的爱情
  • It's all too wonderful Okay, here we go. Don't speak unless spoken to.
  • 一切都太美好好了 走吧不说话 等人先开口
  • I'll handle the intros. - Okay, but-- - No talking. Listening. Make eye contact.
  • 我负责介绍好,但是。别说话!倾听 眼神交流
  • Be polite, but don't be a doormat. Smile, but not too much. You don't want to look like a crazy person,
  • 彬彬有礼 但别显得软弱无能微笑 别笑得太夸张否则会像个疯子似的
  • But most of all... Have fun, Lionel. To ever be in webster's dictionary
  • 不过最重要的是好好享受 莱奈尔在韦氏词典里
  • And so I'm borrowing A love song from the birds To tell you that you're marvelous Too marvelous for world
  • 所以我借用了鸟类的情歌去告诉你你真是太神奇, ?以至于无法言论?
  • I'm sorry. That went poorly, although I have heard in some cultures
  • 对不起悲剧透了不过我听说在某些文化中
  • Spilling drinks on a woman is a mating ritual. I was just starting not to hate you. You got to relax.
  • 把酒撒到女性身上是种求偶方式我刚打算停止恨你你得放松点 兄弟
  • Man, you're treating this like some kind of a job. Guess I'm a little rusty. You know her?
  • 你搞得跟工作似的我反应有点生疏你认识她
  • No, but I will soon. Dre! Mick!
  • 不 但很快就会认识了德烈米克
  • It's been... Almost a year. Mick is an old friend from the docks.
  • 应该有一年没见了米克是我在码头的老朋友
  • We've known each other a long time. Yeah, I'd say. Way before you'd ever come in a place like this.
  • 我们认识很久了没错以前你可不会来这种地方
  • So true. So what got you here? My cousin's staying at the hotel. I thought I'd come down and get a quick drink.
  • 是啊 什么风把你吹来了我表兄住在这酒店我就想过来喝几杯
  • Who's this guy? Client? This is Lionel. He's new.
  • 这人是谁 客户吗这是莱奈尔新客户


疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕).jpg

You see? She's still doing her job, Harold. Always watching.

瞧她仍在工作 哈罗德永远在监视

Time to go. You're just too marvelous, too marvelous for words Like "glorious", "glamorous" and that old standby "amorous".

该走了你真是太神奇, 以至于无法言论 像光荣, 魅力, 传统的爱情

It's all too wonderful Okay, here we go. Don't speak unless spoken to.

一切都太美好好了 走吧不说话 等人先开口

I'll handle the intros. - Okay, but-- - No talking. Listening. Make eye contact.

我负责介绍好,但是。别说话!倾听 眼神交流

Be polite, but don't be a doormat. Smile, but not too much. You don't want to look like a crazy person,

彬彬有礼 但别显得软弱无能微笑 别笑得太夸张否则会像个疯子似的

But most of all... Have fun, Lionel. To ever be in webster's dictionary

不过最重要的是好好享受 莱奈尔在韦氏词典里

And so I'm borrowing A love song from the birds To tell you that you're marvelous Too marvelous for world

所以我借用了鸟类的情歌去告诉你你真是太神奇, ?以至于无法言论?

I'm sorry. That went poorly, although I have heard in some cultures


Spilling drinks on a woman is a mating ritual. I was just starting not to hate you. You got to relax.

把酒撒到女性身上是种求偶方式我刚打算停止恨你你得放松点 兄弟

Man, you're treating this like some kind of a job. Guess I'm a little rusty. You know her?


No, but I will soon. Dre! Mick!

不 但很快就会认识了德烈米克

It's been... Almost a year. Mick is an old friend from the docks.


We've known each other a long time. Yeah, I'd say. Way before you'd ever come in a place like this.


So true. So what got you here? My cousin's staying at the hotel. I thought I'd come down and get a quick drink.

是啊 什么风把你吹来了我表兄住在这酒店我就想过来喝几杯

Who's this guy? Client? This is Lionel. He's new.

这人是谁 客户吗这是莱奈尔新客户

重点单词   查看全部解释    
ritual ['ritjuəl]


n. 仪式,典礼,宗教仪式,固定程序

marvelous ['mɑ:viləs]


adj. 令人惊异的,了不起的,不平常的

handle ['hændl]


n. 柄,把手
v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭





