Yeah, Winnie, that’s so rude.
就是 温妮 那样太失礼了
Hi. Hi.
嗨 嗨
Hey, what’s up?
Your weight, Brianna.
你的体重 布瑞娜
No it’s not. I weigh just a couple pounds more than last year.
不 不是的 我只有比去年重了两磅
And that was pushing it.
I didn’t realize.
Well, look, just lay off the snacks and
听着 只要不吃零食
with the extra workouts, the weight should come right off.
做一些额外的训练 体重马上就会下来的
What if it doesn’t?
Put it this way. Pacific Vista’s never had a fat cheerleader.
这样说吧 远洋中学从没有过肥胖的啦啦队员
Wow, Brit.
哦 布莉
Why didn’t you just rip out her belly ring? That would’ve been less painful.
你还不如干脆把她的脐环扯下来 说不定还比这好受
Don’t worry. That’s exactly how I would have handled it.
别担心 那正是我会处理的方法
Yeah, totally.
是啊 完全是
There it was, another number one hit from Rihanna.
现在播放另一首 来自瑞翰纳的榜首歌曲
Now, attention all high school cheerleaders,
Rihanna is hosting an audition for her TVspecial.
瑞翰纳正为她的 电视特别节目寻找伴舞
So, if you think you have what it takes, pay attention.
如果你觉得你有这样的天分 那就注意了
You can download the contest rules right now on CingularSource. Com.
你可以从CingularSource. Com 网站下载比赛规则
Now, with more hits, brace yourself, here they come, KXKB SoCal...
现在 来点更加劲爆的 注意了 他们就是 KXKB SoCal...