Come on, Alan, I know you're in there, I see your car.
Alan, 别这样, 我知道你在 我看见你的车了
He told me not to tell anyone, and I'm pretty sure "anyone" meant you.
他不准我告诉别人 可以肯定 "别人" 是指你
Wait, wait, wait. Please, hear me out.
等一下, 求你了, 听我说完
I've made a horrible, terrible mistake, Alan.
Please help me. Show mercy, please.
你发发善心, 帮一下我好吗
Here, clean yourself up, woman. Thank you so much.
拿去把眼泪擦干净 非常感谢
That's it, weasel.
抓到你了, 你这混蛋
I've been listening to your crap for years. It's payback time.
老早就听说你嗜赌成性 是时候还本了
What are you gonna do?
If you don't tell me what I wanna know, I will leave you dead in the street.
如果不告诉我 就把你扔到街上喂狗
Ben went to the airport. He's gone backpacking.
Ben去机场了, 他准备旅游
Now, like one of those fools in the movies, I was gonna race to the airport...
我现在准备飞车到机场 像电影里面的疯子一样 try to stop my beloved from leaving the country.
Of course, in real life when you park illegally, you get towed.
在现实生活中要是乱停车 就会被拖走的
Sam, don't hurt me, but Ben's plane left an hour ago.
Sam, 别打我 Ben的飞机已经在一个小时前走了
And the hits just keep on coming.