People tend to struggle when leaming another language, especially if they are exposed only it while attending classes.(1)____ You must study a language for at least an hour or two each day if you really want to achieve proficiency. Some people cannot realistically achieve these goals in a formal language classroom if they have busy schedules to work. Educational language software for computer-based leaming is very useful in such cases.(2)____
Computer software programs can help developing reading comprehension in a foreign language.(3)____ Most language programs provide reading exercises and quizzes of test comprehension.(4)____ Programs teach you how to read basic vocabulary words first, and followed by more advanced phrases.(5)____ If you are ready, computer applications allow you to read sentences and paragraphs and then test your comprehension of the content.(6)____ As formal classroom exams revised over the course of an entire week, computer software provides immediate correction of reading comprehension errors.(7)____ This reinforces retention of the subjects covered in a lesson unit.
Leaming how to write with a language leaming program on a computer is fair easy.(8)____ Typing applications help students take what they have leamed from reading lessons and practice writing on their own. While a computer-based student will miss out on the benefit of having a teacher review his writing and provide feedback, many computer programs automatically correct and revise the writing exercises for the student can see where mistakes were made.(7)____(10)____ Language software discourages bad writing habits by correcting errors immediately.