You are Peter/Mary. You want to find a local part-time job. Write an advert describing; when you can start, what kind of work you can do, contact information, and some other important points.
Part-time Job Wanted
Wanted. Local part-time job teaching middleschool students.I will be available every evening save Monday from now on. Ihave taught all major subjects; Math, Chinese, English, to name but a few.Allthe students I have taught improved considerably in their academic performance.Iam patient and well experienced with high school teenagers. If you areinterested and would like to arrange an interview, please contact 13 x x x x xx x x x-Mary.
求教中学生的兼职工作。除了周一的晚上,从现在开始,其他几天的晚上我都有空。我可以教所有主要科目,例如数学,语文,英语等。我所教学生的学习成绩都得到了显著提高。我对中学生,很有耐心,而且经验丰富。如果您感兴趣,并有意向安排面试的话,请联系13 x x x x x x x x x-玛丽.