[健康生活] Quora精选:起早床好难,如何成功起早床?
What is your personal method for waking up early?2021-09-17 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 7点起床,几点入睡合适?睡眠计算器让你睡个好觉,痛快起床
The exact times you should go to bed if you want to wake up refreshed2021-09-15 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 午睡不要超过25分钟,也别趴桌上睡!Power nap了解一下
The ideal nap length, according to scientists, is 20 to 25 minutes.2021-09-13 编辑:sophie 标签:
[他她话题] 5本关于爱情的图书:让我再浪漫一把!
5 Books About Love Everyone Should Read At Least Once2021-09-06 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 老年人睡得太少或太多都会加速大脑退化
Sleeping too little or too much can increase risk of getting dementia, study finds2021-09-01 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 梦境反映健康状态,这几种做梦状态需要注意
5 Things Your Dreams Can Tell You About Your Health2021-09-01 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 为什么有人越喝咖啡越犯困?
Though caffeine can keep you awake for a while in this way2021-08-27 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 中年发福不是新陈代谢的锅!研究发现60岁后新陈代谢才开始变慢
Metabolism peaks at age one and tanks after 60, study finds2021-08-18 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] Quora精选:战胜懒惰的12大方法
What is your best way to kill the laziness?2021-08-17 编辑:sophie 标签:
[他她话题] 上世纪50年代的女性恋爱指南竟是这样的
The publisher asked 16 people to brainstorm strategies lonely women could use to get men to pay attention to them.2021-08-13 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 外媒评出最健康的饮食法,原来少油少盐是关键
US News evaluated and ranked 40 diets with input from a panel of health experts. To be top-rated, a diet had to be relatively easy to follow, nutritious, safe, effective for weight loss and protect...2021-08-07 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] Quora精选:怎么能在3个月内改善健康?
How can I change my life in 3 months by eating healthy and exercising regularly?2021-07-28 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 趁这大好的盛夏时光,来做这几件事吧……
无论是刚刚考试结束还是刚做完年中的项目,你难道不想出门走走吗?2021-07-25 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 研究:想要中年不发福 多吃全谷物是关键
A bowl of porridge a day keeps the midlife spread away2021-07-19 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 糖吃太多,会更抑郁?警惕!这5个生活习惯让人变“丧”
糖吃太多,会更抑郁?警惕!这5个生活习惯让人变“丧”2021-07-15 编辑:sophie 标签:
全球新冠死亡人数破500万 欧洲疫情再抬头
Covid-19 deaths pass five million wo -
China’s New Female Idol Is a Pink Fo - 3
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