[大千世界] 意大利多地发生严重旱灾 居民浪费用水将被罚款
Italians face fines for wasting water as supplies rationed amid drought2022-03-30 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 你是无聊的人吗?研究揭示全球最无聊的工作和爱好
These are the 5 most 'boring' jobs in the world, according to a recent study2022-03-29 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 圆形的披萨为什么装在方形的盒子里?
Why do round pizzas come in square boxes?2022-03-28 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 新突破!中国科学家诱导出“最年轻”人类全能干细胞
Chinese scientists, int'l counterparts breed youngest human cells in vitro2022-03-25 编辑:Kelly 标签:
[趣图妙语] 美国生物实验室曝光,谁才是地球祸害王? 小象漫评
Bio-labs in Ukraine only part of troubles created by US worldwide2022-03-25 编辑:Kelly 标签:
[大千世界] 油价不断上涨重创美国经济 或引发经济衰退
Rising gasoline prices hit the US hard2022-03-25 编辑:Kelly 标签:
[大千世界] 美国上周末发生9起大规模枪击案,造成至少8死60伤
10 lesser-known facts about animals that made people say ‘Aww’2022-03-24 编辑:Kelly 标签:
[大千世界] 刷新你的认知:关于动物的10个鲜为人知的事实
10 lesser-known facts about animals that made people say ‘Aww’2022-03-24 编辑:Kelly 标签:
[大千世界] 美国贫富差距扩大 去年1%美国人拥有32%财富
A million new millionaires were created in US last year, and the richest got richer, report says2022-03-24 编辑:Kelly 标签:
[大千世界] 连内衣颜色都要管束?东京学校终于废止多项苛刻规范
Tokyo schools drop controversial dress code on hair and underwear color2022-03-22 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 庆祝大熊猫抵美50周年 美国动物园纪念活动丰富多彩
50 years of giant pandas' presence in US celebrated2022-03-21 编辑:sophie 标签:
[趣图妙语] 美国借乌克兰危机抹黑中国,“谎言帝国”名不虚传 小象漫评
The “Empire of lies” is the US2022-03-18 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 法国埃菲尔铁塔“长个了”,增高六米达330米
The Eiffel Tower grows even higher, thanks to new antenna2022-03-17 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 美国得州一学区让老师配枪,可随时“干掉”危险学生
Texas school district to arm teachers with weapons2022-03-14 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 为什么流行歌曲通常都是3分钟左右?
Why are so many pop songs roughly three minutes long?2022-03-10 编辑:sophie 标签:
The world's biggest four-day wor -
Climate crisis could make humans shr - 3
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