[大千世界] 图文阅读:历届夏季奥运会吉祥物之1988年
Hodori", the mascot of the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea, portrays the friendly side of a tiger, which is present in many Korean legends. The mascot’s name was chosen from a list of... -
[大千世界] 图文阅读:历届夏季奥运会吉祥物之1984年
Sam - Los Angeles 1984 The eagle "Sam" became the mascot of the Los Angeles Games. He was chosen because the imposing bald eagle is the national symbol of the United States. Robert Moore... -
[大千世界] 图文阅读:历届夏季奥运会吉祥物之1980年
Misha - Moscow 1980The Moscow Olympic bear "Misha" was developed by the renowned illustrator of children’s books Victor Chizikov. It took the illustrator six months to draw one hundred va... -
[大千世界] 图文阅读:历届夏季奥运会吉祥物之1976年
Amik - Montreal 1976 "Amik" the beaver was chosen as the official mascot for the Summer Olympic Games of Montreal, 1976. "Amik" in Indian language means beaver. The beaver ha... -
[大千世界] 图文阅读:历届夏季奥运会吉祥物之1972年
让我们一起来回顾历届奥运会的吉祥物吧.奥运会的吉祥物并不是一开始就有的,第一个吉祥物诞生于1972年的慕尼黑奥运会。让我们回顾一下可爱的历届吉祥物吧。Waldi - Munich 1972"Waldi", the first official masco -
[大千世界] 图文阅读:猫猫的处世原则五
猫猫的处世原则五 绕着圈子跑总也跑不完为你的独特品质而骄傲哪怕唱得再难听,想唱就唱everyone gets down sometimesbe happy with who you are能自嘲是无价之宝2008-03-27 编辑:echo 标签: 美食
[大千世界] 图文阅读:猫猫的处世原则四
[大千世界] 图文阅读:猫猫的处世原则三
关于自尊你若不卑不亢,小流氓就不会来惹你有人打架就躲远点,这也许是一种明智,而不是懦弱想到达更高境界,就得充分相信自己有实现目标的能力谁也不是天生的懒人尽管在此屋里你高人一等也不必自傲即使藏在床罩底下 -
[大千世界] 图文阅读:猫猫的处世原则二
要善于与孩子做伴和老人相处并非拥有财富、名胜和权利才可以得到爱期盼你爱的人回家每一次只专注于一个人如果有人要为你抓背,就让他抓吧轻抚他几下,可使他感觉更好如果你要什么可用眼神来表达只言片语就可以表明你2008-03-27 编辑:echo 标签: 日语
[大千世界] 图文阅读:猫猫的处世原则一
要对你的敌人保持警惕要相信你的朋友不要对你的朋友太苛刻要感激听你倾诉的朋友share what you have with others陌生人的友善给人以莫大的安慰忠诚是情爱关系中的基本要素we have to trust somebody sometime.do no -
[大千世界] 图文阅读:汽车王国之CHEVROLET
最浪漫的金领结CHEVROLETIn 1911, Chevrolet Motor Company of Michigan is incorporated in November of 1911 by Louis Chevrolet, William Little and Edwin Cambell, William Durant's son-in-law. Headquarter -
[大千世界] 图文阅读:汽车王国之CADILLAC
豪华高档轿车的标志CADILLACCadillac is a brand of luxury automobile, part of the General Motors corporation, produced and mostly sold in the United States; outside of North America, they have been les -
[大千世界] 图文阅读:汽车王国之PORSCHE
高贵、永恒、经典、魅力、专业之PORSCHEFerdinand Porsche, was born in Reichenberg (in what was then North Bohemia, later Czechoslovakia) in 1875. The young Porsche demonstrated excellent mechanical apt2008-03-25 编辑:echo 标签: 恋爱
[大千世界] 图文阅读:汽车王国之BENZ
品味经典驾驭未来BENZ1871, at the age of 27, Karl Benz got together with a partner August Ritter in Mannheim to form his first company, the "Iron Foundry and Machine Shop". Not long after, the two p -
[大千世界] 图文阅读:汽车王国之FORD
实现大众的汽车梦FORDFord Motor Company entered the business world on June 16, 1903, when Henry Ford and 11 business associates signed the company's articles of incorporation. With $28,000 in cash, t2008-03-25 编辑:echo 标签: 动漫
好美好高好怕怕 全球8大创意电梯大盘点
有时过程比结果更不可思议,下面这些让人目瞪口呆的电梯就证明了这一点。 -
电影《三人行》热映 赵薇自曝被古天乐狂抽耳光
为了让镜头看起来更真实,赵薇近日透露,在拍摄电影《三人行》时,她被合作演 - 3
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