[趣图妙语] 外交部的英文翻译有多牛?连“呵呵”都译出了精髓!
They should know better than to bite the hand that feeds them.2021-12-27 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 世界上第一条短信售出 成交价近15万美元
World's first SMS sold as NFT for $150,000 at Paris auction house2021-12-27 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 居家办公时从卧室走到书房摔倒受伤,法院:属通勤,算工伤
Fall on walk from bed to desk is workplace accident, German court rules2021-12-24 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 太吸睛!越南造型师把头发做成盛放的花朵形状
Talented hairstylist creates spectacular flower-shaped designs2021-12-23 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 魔幻!美国男子用起重机偷走18米长人行天桥
Stolen Ohio bridge found, man facing theft charge2021-12-23 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 关于冬至的趣味小知识
4 facts about the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year2021-12-22 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] Quora精选:为什么我们不喝猪奶?
Why don’t people consume pigs’ milk?2021-12-21 编辑:sophie 标签:
[趣图妙语] 关于人生的名人名言
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss2021-12-20 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] Quora精选:你的老师说出过哪些金句?
What is the best thing you have ever heard a teacher say?2021-12-16 编辑:sophie 标签:
[趣图妙语] 2021年度最常用的表情符号,第一又是它!
These Were the Most Popular Emojis of 20212021-12-16 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] 沙特超40头骆驼因整容被踢出选美大赛
Dozens of Camels Disqualified From Beauty Pageant Over Alleged Botox Injections2021-12-14 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] “潮人恐惧症”上热搜,网友被戳中:看到小众咖啡馆都不敢进
Are you suffering from fashion anxiety2021-12-06 编辑:sophie 标签:
[大千世界] “雨凇”、“霜花”、“雾凇”,这些冬日自然气象用英语怎么说?
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[大千世界] Quora精选:我们眼中奇怪的歪果仁
What things do Chinese people find strange about the West?2021-12-03 编辑:sophie 标签:
[环球之旅] 2021年全球哪个城市物价最贵?这份榜单告诉你
These are the world's most expensive cities in 20212021-12-03 编辑:sophie 标签:
“公筷”的英文不是“public chops
For use in distributing food or drin -
From a world champion skater to a fu - 3
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