[体育新闻] 【世界看冬残奥】外国友人北京冬残奥初印象:“村里”设施完善,乐趣
“We made it! So far the China Olympic & Paralympic village has been unreal! So much fun in only a few days and lots of pin trading.”2022-03-02 编辑:sophie 标签:
[科技新闻] 别再把手机电量一次性充满了!这样做才能延长手机电池寿命
Stop charging your phone to 100% once a day and other battery-saving tips2022-03-01 编辑:sophie 标签:
[娱乐新闻] 三月份的这些新片最值得一看!
Best films to watch this March2022-02-28 编辑:sophie 标签:
[时事新闻] 世卫组织创建新技术中心 拟“复制”莫德纳疫苗供应低收入国家
WHO works to spread COVID vaccine technology to more nations2022-02-25 编辑:sophie 标签:
[关注社会] 枪击取代车祸,成美国人创伤致死的首要原因
Guns overtake car crashes as leading cause of US trauma-related deaths, study says2022-02-25 编辑:sophie 标签:
[关注社会] 世界各地多条河流发现药品残留 威胁水生物和人类健康
Pharmaceuticals in rivers threaten world health - study2022-02-23 编辑:sophie 标签:
[时事新闻] “Tinder喊你投票”,约会软件鼓励法国年轻人为大选投票
French Tinder hooks up with NGO to turn out young voters2022-02-23 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 北京冬奥会闭幕式“打动人心” 巴赫呼吁发扬奥运团结精神
Winter Olympics: Closing ceremony marks ends of 2022 Beijing Games2022-02-22 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] “折柳寄情”,外媒科普这份中国浪漫,网友惊叹太美了!
What Does the Willow Twig at the Olympics Closing Ceremony Symbolize?2022-02-22 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] “带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”将成北京冬奥会最重要遗产
Involving people in winter sports called legacy of Games2022-02-21 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 法国选手穿“老虎装”参赛,还在空中“挥爪爪”……
French athlete stole the show at the Winter Games with her tiger suit2022-02-21 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 北京冬奥会高科技场馆让运动员“如虎添翼” 助其打破多项纪录
Beijing’s high-tech Olympic venues add ‘wings’ to athletes2022-02-18 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 国际奥委会高度赞赏北京冬奥会疫情防控
IOC gives high praise for COVID-19 prevention and control at Beijing 20222022-02-18 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 北京冬奥会的人造雪获运动员盛赞:迄今为止最好的
Beijing 2022 gets high marks for sustainable artificial snow2022-02-17 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 舌尖上的冬奥:这些中国美食火出圈,网友馋哭了
Chinese cuisine scales new highs as Olympic athletes savor dishes2022-02-17 编辑:sophie 标签:
“公筷”的英文不是“public chops
For use in distributing food or drin -
From a world champion skater to a fu - 3
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