[双语新闻] 欧元强劲升势引发新的忧虑
欧元强劲升势引发新的忧虑Strong Euro Stirs Fresh JittersEuropean politicians and businessmen are expressing concern about the euro's strength.欧洲政界和商界人士对眼下欧元的强劲走势表现出了深深的忧虑。2008-03-23 编辑:echo 标签:
[双语新闻] 姚明叶莉八月完婚!Yao Ming to&n
姚明叶莉八月完婚!Yao Ming to wed sweetheart in AugustYao Ming and his girlfriend Ye LiChina's All Star NBA centre Yao Ming will wed his teenage sweetheart in August, after an eight-year courtship,2008-03-23 编辑:echo 标签: 职场
[双语新闻] 葡萄牙队道出“世界杯”食谱 首推“心灵”鸡汤
葡萄牙队道出“世界杯”食谱 首推“心灵”鸡汤Figo(L), Cristiano Ronaldo, seen here at a team practice in 2005, and the rest of Portugal's national team will be served healthy doses of chicken soup dur2008-03-23 编辑:echo 标签: 听力
[双语新闻] Soccer-mad monks too&n
Soccer-mad monks too tired to take alms泰国和尚熬夜观战世界杯 置清规戒律于不顾Monks pray during a Buddhist ceremony celebrating World Vesak Day in Nakhon Pathom province on the outskirts of Bangkok M2008-03-23 编辑:echo 标签: 职场
[双语新闻] 通用汽车在华力推环保战略
通用汽车在华力推环保战略GM Will Color Its Strategy Green In ChinaGeneral Motors Corp. will make a significant investment to help develop environmentally friendly technologies for the China market, as2008-03-23 编辑:echo 标签: 日语
[双语新闻] 国际能源署对全球能源前景敲响警钟
国际能源署对全球能源前景敲响警钟Why Coal May Burn More BrightlyThe International Energy Agency painted a tough energy outlook for coming years, with tightening oil supplies and a surge in global-warm2008-03-23 编辑:echo 标签: 双语阅读
[双语新闻] Finding a Healthier&nb
Finding a Healthier Lifestyle - Committing to ChangeEveryone wants to live a healthier lifestyle and everyone wants to look better in their swimsuit. However, many people don't know where to b... -
[双语新闻] 十大最幸福城市出炉 杭州最幸福大连最文明
十大最幸福城市出炉 杭州最幸福大连最文明Touristsview lotus flowers in rain at the Wesk Lakein Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang Province,July 5, 2006. Lotus in the West Lake are in full blos -
[双语新闻] 荷兰造酒商花500万欧元为鼻子上保险
荷兰造酒商花500万欧元为鼻子上保险The Lloyd's of London insurance market has insured the nose of a leading wine maker and taster for 5 million euros ($7.9 million), covering the Bordeaux producer aga -
[双语新闻] 布什总统白宫接见热火队 当场秀球技
布什总统白宫接见热火队 当场秀球技Miami Heat's Shaquille O'Neal (L) presents a basketball to U.S. President George W. Bush during a ceremony honoring the 2006 NBA Champions in the East Room at the W2008-03-21 编辑:echo 标签:
[双语新闻] 齐达内当选法国“最受喜爱的名人”
齐达内当选法国“最受喜爱的名人”France's Zinedine Zidane stands on the pitch during their World Cup 2006 final soccer match against Italy in Berlin in this July 9, 2006 file photo. [Reuters]Zinedine2008-03-21 编辑:echo 标签:
[双语新闻] 法国“毁容”女教师请求安乐死
法国“毁容”女教师请求安乐死近日,因患嗅神经母细胞瘤而面容大改的法国女教师请求法院允许医生为其实施安乐死为合法。在请求被拒之后,她又恳请总统萨科齐干预并准允此事。请看外电的报道:French court rejects -
[双语新闻] 火炬传递:torch relay
火炬传递:torch relay北京奥组委执行副主席蒋效愚19日在回答记者提问时表示,最近在西藏发生的事件不会影响北京奥运会火炬接力活动的顺利进行。请看《中国日报》的报道:"Lhasa is now basically restored to ord -
[双语新闻] 《福布斯》中国内地富豪榜揭晓 杨惠妍成首富
《福布斯》中国内地富豪榜揭晓 杨惠妍成首富A 26-year-old woman, named Yang Huiyan worth $16.2 billion is the Chinese mainland's richest person, topping a list of tycoons whose wealth has soared amid a -
[双语新闻] 中国抗议美国对纸张进口徵税 (China P
中国抗议美国对纸张进口徵税 (China Protests US Tariffs on Paper Imports)中国要求美国改变对中国出口美国的纸张产品征收新关税的决定。北京表示,这样做将伤害中国的商业利益。中国商务部发言人王新培星期一说,
电影《三人行》热映 赵薇自曝被古天乐狂抽耳光
为了让镜头看起来更真实,赵薇近日透露,在拍摄电影《三人行》时,她被合作演 -
非洲国家现在开始意识到了学习汉语的重要性。 - 3
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