In 1899, Hilbert succeeded in finding a system of axioms which he could prove would lead to all the theorems of Euclidean geometry, without any appeal to the nature of the physical world.
However, his proof required the assumption that the theory of ‘real numbers’* was satisfactory.
‘Real numbers’ were what to the Greek mathematicians were the measurements of lengths, infinitely subdivisible, and for most purposes it could be assumed that the use of ‘real numbers’ was solidly grounded in the nature of physical space.
But from Hilbert’s point of view this was not good enough.
Fortunately it was possible to describe ‘real numbers’ in an essentially different way.
By the nineteenth century it was well understood that ‘real numbers’ could be represented as infinite decimals, writing the number π for instance as 3.14159265358979.… A precise meaning had been given to the idea that a ‘real number’ could be represented as accurately as desired by such a decimal – an infinite sequence of integers.