Neutron stars are some of the densest objects you can find (outside of the infinite density of a black hole). They're crushed by their own immense gravity into a compact quantum-mechanical soup that's in some ways similar to an atomic nucleus the size of a mountain.
Is our bullet made from a neutron star?
No. Charlotte asked for a bullet as dense as a neutron star, not one made from actual neutron star material. That's good, because you can't make a bullet from that stuff. If you take neutron star material outside of the crushing gravity well where it's normally found, it will re-expand into superhot normal matter with an outpouring of energy more powerful than any nuclear weapon.
That's presumably why Charlotte suggested we make our bullet out of some magical, stable material that's as dense as a neutron star.
What would the bullet do to the Earth?
You could imagine firing it from a gun,3 but it might be more interesting to simply drop it. In either case, the bullet would accelerate downward, punch into the ground, and burrow toward the center of the Earth.
This wouldn't destroy the Earth, but it would be pretty strange.
As the bullet got within a few feet of the ground, the force of its gravity would yank up a huge clump of dirt, which would ripple wildly around the bullet as it fell, spraying in all directions. As it went in, you'd feel the ground shake, and it would leave a jumbled, fractured crater with no entry hole.