Q. If a bullet with the density of a neutron star were fired from a handgun (ignoring the how) at the Earth's surface, would the Earth be destroyed?
A. A BULLET WITH THE density of a neutron star would weigh about as much as the Empire State Building.
Whether we fired it from a gun or not, the bullet would fall straight through the ground, punching through the crust as if the rock were wet tissue paper.
We'll look at two different questions:
What would the bullet's passage do to the Earth?
• 子弹落下产生的一长条小洞会对地球有什么影响?
If we kept the bullet here on the surface, what would it do to its surroundings? Could we touch it?
• 如果我们把子弹放在地表,会对周围环境产生什么影响?我们能用手触碰它吗?
First, a little bit of background:
What are neutron stars?
A neutron star is what's left over after a giant star collapses under its own gravity.Stars exist in a balance. Their massive gravity is always trying to make them collapse inward, but that squeezing sets off several different forces that push them back apart.
In the Sun, the thing holding off collapse is heat from nuclear fusion. When a star runs out of fusion fuel, it contracts (in a complicated process involving several explosions) until the collapse is stopped by the quantum laws that keep matter from overlapping with other matter.1
If the star is heavy enough, it overcomes that quantum pressure and collapses further (with another, more massive explosion) to become a neutron star. If the remnant is even heavier, it becomes a black hole.