All your senses are aroused today. Tonight when you return home you are likely to surround yourself with warmth, relaxing scents, a fabulous meal, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. You feel content and blessed, and you look at your partner with loving eyes. Why not put on some music, dress in your most opulent clothing, and invite your mate to join you for a dance in the living room?
Your well being horoscope
You could be in a position to offer someone forgiveness. Maybe someone in your personal life has acted selfishly, and the result was not exactly to your benefit. And although you can see the situation from the other person's point of view, the pain caused to you has been getting in the way of a reconciliation. But today suddenly all of this seems less important, and you no longer feel threatened. You realize that you can afford to be generous and to extend a trusting, compassionate energy.
Your finance horoscope
Your imagination is soaring today. Now that you've finally acknowledged your interest in mystical and metaphysical matters, you can't seem to get enough information. You've bought out the New Age bookstores, yet still you're hungry for more. Travel might be in your future, so you can experience some of the world's holy places first hand.
Your love horoscope
You could be in a mellow, thoughtful mood. It's a good day to spend some time with loved ones and connect with them in a relaxed way. If you are a parent, you could have some meaningful conversations with your kids. You might find that you are getting to know them better, building a true friendship with them. Or you might spend some cozy, romantic time with your partner.

Your career horoscope
You have always been a hard worker, with a good business head and a strong sense of practicality. However, successes in the past few weeks might have you thinking about the possibility of doing something a little more creative and innovative to earn your bread, possibly having to do with the endless opportunities surrounding the Internet. Communications of all kinds - business and personal - should come to you throughout this auspicious period. Enjoy it!