Attempts to master a new computer program, or other forms of high-tech equipment, might seem to be going nowhere. You may tend to doubt your ability, and thus feel very frustrated. However, keep at it. You're not beyond all help! Nothing more than a little focus, concentration and dogged persistence is required. It might also pay off to ask someone who knows more about it to assist you.
Your well being horoscope
The energy that you feel today, may have you so jittery that others don't know what to do with you. The influence from the day's aspects can really bring a boost and you'd be wise to plan things to do. Get yourself busy with physical chores. Pull things out, organize, move furniture around - whatever it takes. It's better to be productive than to drive everyone crazy.
Your finance horoscope
Today's celestial configuration will be favorable to changes in your relationships. Your professional and private lives will be influenced by how well you deal with these relationships. You may have decided, that in one way or another, your behavior needs to change. Now it is time for you to act. Don't be discouraged if it takes a long time to see lasting improvement.
Your love horoscope
Today you could pick up intuitively on powerful feelings of affection from someone whom you might be attracted to romantically. You might feel a rush of exhilaration from this experience; then your skeptical side might kick in and say it's all wishful thinking. A little skepticism is healthy, but don't let it overpower your positive impressions. All astrological signs are that what you're sensing is in fact the case. Follow your heart.

Your career horoscope
You could be involved with some interesting discussions. You and your romantic partner might expand each other's horizons, or you could be working on a creative group project. Your creativity will be strong and your mind will be buzzing with exciting ideas. You'll express yourself in a confident and enthusiastic way. Your positive energy could be contagious. You act as the group cheerleader, boosting morale.