Despite all great jobs he did, Qin Shi Huang ruled as a ruthless tyrant.
To prevent future uprisings, Qin Shi Huang ordered to confiscate weapons, to destroy the city walls and military fortifications and to move the old nobles and magnates of the six states to Xianyang, Nanyang and Bashu so as to weaken their political and economic influence.
To facilitate the movement of troops and the transportation of army provisions, the First Emperor ordered to build highways.
Meanwhile, the Lingqu Canal was dug, which linked the Yangtze River and the Zhujiang River together.
Burning books and burying scholars alive were brutal suppression in ideological field with which the First Emperor repressed the dissenting ones, and exercised autocratic control over thinking and culture.
In 213 B. C. , at a court banquet, Chun Yuyue proposed to follow the conventions of fief system and granted titles and ands to the heroes and nobles.
Li Si, the Prime Minister held that these scholars were dangerous, so suggested that all historical records except those written by Qin historians be burned ; that the Books of Odes and Book of History and works by scholars of different schools except those stored by officials be handed in to the local authorities for burning; that anyone discussing these two particular books be executed; that those using ancient examples to criticize contemporary politics be put to death and their families killed ; that those who had not burned the listed books within 30 days be sentenced to four yearsJ service ; that books about medicine, divination, agriculture be preserved.
丞相李斯认为这样一群儒生是一种危险势力,于是提出了焚书的建议:“史官非秦记皆烧之。非博士官所职,天下敢有藏《诗》、《书》、百家语者,悉诣守、尉杂烧之。有敢偶语《诗》、《书》者弃市。以古 非今者诛。吏见知不举者与同罪。令下三十日不烧,黥为城旦。所不去者,医药卜 筮种树之书。”
The First Emperor accepted all these proposals ,and then the event of burning books occurred.
In the second year of burning books, the event of burying scholars alive underwent.
Dissatisfied with the First Emperor, some Confucian scholars and alchemists criticized him.
The First Emperor sent inspectors to investigate, then arrested over 460 people and finally had all of them buried alive in Xianyang.
秦始皇派御史侦察,先后逮捕了 460多个儒生,全部在咸阳坑杀。
By these means, the First Emperor gave a heavy blow on the aristocratic splittism, but wrecked the culture severely at the same time, causing enormous losses in the conservation of ancient documents and impartment of learning.
All the practice made by the First Emperor were in line with the legalists, and many of his such behaviors had demonstrated it.