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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
It is built on the fragmented remains of an eventually ruined planet which is (wioll haven be) enclosed in a vast time bubble and projected forward in time to the precise moment of the End of the Universe.它建在一颗最终将被毁灭的行星的废墟上,这颗行星被(将会被)包裹在一个巨大的时间泡里,并且在时间中向前凸出,到达宇宙尽头的那一刻,也就是宇宙尽头餐馆存在的那一刻。
This is, many would say, impossible.许多人会说,这不可能。
In it, guests take (willan on-take) their places at table and eat (willan on-eat) sumptuous meals whilst watching (willing watchen) the whole of creation explode around them.在它里面,客人们在餐桌旁找到(将已经找到)自己的位子,一边享用(已经将享用)丰盛的食物,一边看着(正在将已经看着】整个宇宙在他们周围爆炸。
This is, many would say, equally impossible.许多人会说,这同样不可能。
You can arrive (mayan arivan on-when) for any sitting you like without prior (late fore-when) reservation because you can book retrospectively, as it were when you return to your own time. (you can have on-book haventa forewhen presooning returningwenta retrohome.)你可以到(当时已经将已经到)你喜欢的任何位子上去,而不用预先(在当时以后的之前)订座,因为你可以在回到你自己的时间后(你可以已经预订了,在已经正在已经回到自己的时间后)追溯预订,就像以前预订过一样。
This is, many would now insist, absolutely impossible. At the Restaurant you can meet and dine with (mayan meetan con with dinan on when) a fascinating cross-section of the entire population of space and time.许多人今后的现在会认定,这绝对不可能。你能够碰见全部时空内存在的全部人口中那些最迷人的代表人物,并和他们共餐(已经将已经碰见并且已经正在其同进餐)
This, it can be explained patiently, is also impossible.这一点目前同样将被认定是不町能的,
You can visit it as many times as you like (mayan on-visit re-onvisiting… and so on – for further tense-corrections consult Dr. Streetmentioner’s book) and be sure of never meeting yourself, because of the embarrassment this usually causes.只要你喜欢,你可以无限次地造访这家餐馆(已经将造访重新正在造访)诸如此类——欲了解进一步的时态修正,请参考唐·史崔特门兴内尔博士的著作),只不过需要确保永远不要碰见你自己,因为那种情形通常都会引起十分尴尬的局面。
This, even if the rest were true, which it isn’t, is patently impossible, say the doubters. All you have to do is deposit one penny in a savings account in your own era, and when you arrive at the End of Time the operation of compound interest means that the fabulous cost of your meal has been paid for.怀疑者们会说,即使有关这家餐馆的其他情况是真的(其实不是),这一点显然也是不可能的。你所需要做的,仅仅是在你自己账户。这样,当你来到时间尽头时,复合利率的运作就将意味着你的巨额餐费已经付过了。
This, many claim, is not merely impossible but clearly insane, which is why the advertising executives of the star system of Bastablon came up with this slogan: “If you’ve done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?”许多人已经声称,这不仅不可能,而且荒诞无稽。这也就是为什么巴斯塔布隆星系的广告经理们会打出这样的标语:“如果你今天早上已经做了六件不可能的事,为什么不去‘天尽头’——宇宙尽头餐馆——吃顿早餐,给这一切来个大总结呢?”

It is built on the fragmented remains of an eventually ruined planet which is (wioll haven be) enclosed in a vast time bubble and projected forward in time to the precise moment of the End of the Universe.
This is, many would say, impossible.
In it, guests take (willan on-take) their places at table and eat (willan on-eat) sumptuous meals whilst watching (willing watchen) the whole of creation explode around them.
This is, many would say, equally impossible.
You can arrive (mayan arivan on-when) for any sitting you like without prior (late fore-when) reservation because you can book retrospectively, as it were when you return to your own time. (you can have on-book haventa forewhen presooning returningwenta retrohome.)
This is, many would now insist, absolutely impossible. At the Restaurant you can meet and dine with (mayan meetan con with dinan on when) a fascinating cross-section of the entire population of space and time.
This, it can be explained patiently, is also impossible.
You can visit it as many times as you like (mayan on-visit re-onvisitingand so onfor further tense-corrections consult Dr. Streetmentioners book) and be sure of never meeting yourself, because of the embarrassment this usually causes.
This, even if the rest were true, which it isnt, is patently impossible, say the doubters. All you have to do is deposit one penny in a savings account in your own era, and when you arrive at the End of Time the operation of compound interest means that the fabulous cost of your meal has been paid for.
This, many claim, is not merely impossible but clearly insane, which is why the advertising executives of the star system of Bastablon came up with this slogan: “If youve done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ]


adj. 迷人的

compound ['kɔmpaund]


n. 混合物,复合词
n. 院子(用围墙圈起来

consult [kən'sʌlt]


v. 商讨,向 ... 请教,查阅

reservation [.rezə'veiʃən]


n. 预定,保留意见

vast [vɑ:st]


adj. 巨大的,广阔的
n. 浩瀚的太

merely ['miəli]


adv. 仅仅,只不过



adj. 被附上的;与世隔绝的 v. 附上(enclos

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

embarrassment [im'bærəsmənt]


n. 困窘,尴尬,困难

projected [prə'dʒektid]


adj. 投影的,投射 v. 投射(project的过去





